Chapter 9

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"Tommy are you even trying?" Purpled asked, he and Tommy were sparing in the backyard.

Tommy layed on the ground after Purpled decked him in the jaw.

"No," he answered truthfully. Purpled sighed in annoyance, "You were the one who asked me to train with you." He tapped his foot on the ground and crossed his arms over his chest.

Tommy puffed air out, "Its mostly so Dream will leave me alone." Purple went over and sat down by Tommy.

"Listen, I'm sorry I came and ruined your life, but I really need your help. The president has put a lock down on everything. You cant leave the city unless you have special clearance." Tommy sat up and looked to him.

"And how did you get that special clearance?" Tommy eyed Purpled suspiciously, Purpled shrugged and pulled out a metal key card, "No one died." He answered.

"Right," Their conversation was stopped by hearing footsteps in the woods.

"Got any animals out here?" Purpled asked, Tommy shrugged, "Nicks inside, so no." Tommy got up and dusted off his pants, Purpled followed.

Tommy went to the edge of the tree line. He looked around, but he couldn't make anything out.

A bush next to them started rattling.

"I swear to God Tommy if a skunk pops out im going to shoot it." Purpled announced as his hand hovered over the side of his waist.

"Grew up with my grandfather and you're scared of a skunk?" Tommy asked almost bitterly, Purpled shot him a glared.

"You're lucky I dont shoot you too." Purpled rebuttled, Tommy just rolled his eyes. "Youd be doing me a favor, bitch." He mumbled to himself.

The rustling in the bush didn't seem to cease until the critter jumped out.

"You were scared of a bunny." Tommy turned blankly to Purpled, who in return threw his hands up in the air exasperated.

Tommy bent down to be level with the bunny, "When he bites you and gives you rabies, I will laugh." Purpled took a step back from the bunny.

"I got my rabbies shots already, no animal is unpetable now." Tommy reached his hand out to the bunny, which in turn smelled his hand.

The bunny didn't seem to be interested in Tommy nor Purpled, so the bunny went back in the woods.

"I was really hoping he would bite your hand off." Purpled sighed, Tommy stood, "Their mouths aren't big enough for that, don't be dimwitted." He scoffed.

Purpled rolled his eyes, "Why don't we get back to training? Or atleast let me just hit you a few more times." Purpled put his fists up as he took a fighting stance.

"Alright," Tommy rolled up his sleeves, "This time, you won't be able to touch me." Tommy took a wider stance, his feet a little past shoulder length.

While Purpled's posture was taller, Tommy took a lower approach. He was closer to the ground.

"You look dumb," Purpled smirked, "And you have a lot of openings," Tommy rebuttled back.

Purpled hummed, then took off towards him. Tommy and Purpled have spared a lot.

They were each others training buddies when growing up.

The only time they really fought was back at the facility. This wasn't real, so Tommy didn't need to land any hits, he just needed to keep his word and not let Purpled touch him.

Purpled threw a punch and Tommy dodged with ease, using his momentum against him, Tommy pushed Purpled where his punch was leading him.

This caused Purpled to stumble, Tommy then dipped down a little further and used a kick to knock down purpleds legs.

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