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*picture of Amber *

Skylar's POV:

I woke up the next morning with a feeling of dread. I did not want to go New York and I don't want to go to some college that I don't even know the name of, but since I'm under the custody of my sister, she's forcing me. My sister is kind of a bitch. She has a bitchy look too.
Purple hair and blue eyes. She always has a smirk on her face. It annoys me.
Then there me with my long blonde hair, brown eyes and terrible looks.
I hated the way I looked. I hate everything about myself. I'd never go to the extremes and do self inflicted harm but thoughts of it have occured. I promised myself I would never do it.
Once we had landed in New York, I knew nothing was going to be the same. Amber would try to make it seem like home but she would even feel it in her gut that nothing was right.
My sister is very posh if you didn't know. She doesn't like anyone who's an outcast. Which I think is quite surprising since she's sort of one with her bright purple hair.
"Sky, you need to start unpacking." she screamed. We had a rental house for now and then when Amber gets a real job and, not just make videos on YouTube hoping to get verified, then we can get some money for rent and then get an apartment somewhere near the city.
We're living in Brooklyn right now but I have to get on the tube all the way across the city to get to CUNY. I finally found out the name of the school: The City University of New York.
I'm an English and Art major, and I'm actually quite excited.

*time skip because I can*

I walked into the school with my schedule in hand and my notebook in the other. I was looking around aimlessly and mindlessly, admiring the art work and all of the technology that I never would've experienced while I was in Sydney. I ended up ramming into a few people but a certain blonde caught my eye. He turned to me and his bright hazel eyes piercing through the air. He looked at me in the eyes and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Ashton, but I go by Ash." He said. His smile was amazing.
"I'm Skylar, but that's it. Its just my name." I said with smirk.
"Whats your last name?" He asked.
"Smith?" I questioned. Why does he need to know?
"Alright Smith, I'll see you around." And he walked away. He seemed cocky but it's really hot on him. He really knows how to charm, even if he wasn't trying.

hey guys I decided to to make another story so why not? it may be deleted cause I hate my writing skills.
well thanks for reading
love you

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