0. Gathering

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Jedi Council was summoned immediately upon the orders of Master Yoda, Grandmaster of the Jedi order.

Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi and Ashoka Tano were going towards the Jedi Council wondering what's the meeting all about.

"Is this meeting really important?" sighed Anakin as he looked at his former master, Obi Wan Kenobi for an answer, the latter simply rolled his eyes.

Anakin clearly didn't wanted to attend the council meeting as he wanted to spend time with his secret wife who is pregnant.

"It must be important that's we are summoned, Anakin"

"I agree with Master Obi Wan, with the clone wars going on right now. It can be important" Ashoka Tano chipped in between the conversation of the duo.

"Snips, I think it's anything but important" Anakin said with an eye roll.

Ashoka Tano knew that her former master didn't get along with the council especially Master Mace Windu just like her that's why he likes to avoid those boring meeting sometimes. She didn't say anything further and the troublesome trip continued there journey in silence.

The trio entered the Council room which was occupied by the rest of the Jedi Masters.

"Greetings everyone" Obi Wan said as he occupied his seat in the Council.

Anakin and Ashoka Tano simply stood in the council wondering why have they been summoned.

"Interesting news, I have" said Master Yoda while looking at the Jedi Masters, Jedi Knight and Padawan.

"What is it, Master Yoda?" asked Master Mace Windu while looking at the Jedi Grandmaster.

Yoda simply nodded and picked up the holoplayers and holovids kept on the side table.

"Holoplayers and Holovids?" Shaak Ti said with surprise . Yoda simply nodded.

"Received them I have from the force" Master Yoda said while looking at everyone.

"Our future they will tell. See them we should" said Master Yoda will looking at the Jedi who simply looked surprised by this news.

"Agree with me all of you?" asked Master Yoda while looking at each and every person present.

"We agree to watch them, Master Yoda" said Obi Wan and rest of the people nodded in agreement.

"Read this list of people will you, Master Windu?" he said while handing over the list of people who were supposed to watch those Holovids.

Master Windu nodded while still being in a daze about what was supposed to happen now. They were going to know their future?


Like seriously?

But the ways of force are strange, no one knows how it works and the only way to learn this is to trust in force.

"Grandmaster Yoda" he started to read out the names of people who were supposed to watch those Holovids.

"Shaak Ti, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ashoka Tanob, Kit Fisto, Ki Adi Mundi, Senator Padmé Amidala, Stass Allie, Sassesse Tim, Captain Rex and all the Jedi Masters in the council" he read out loud.

"Know the people we do. Gather them as soon as you all can so that we know the future" said Master Yoda and council was dismissed for the day and everyone left to call the people who were supposed to watch the future.

"Future watching? sounds pretty cool" squealed Ashoka Tano in delight hearing about something which she hadn't heard before.

"Calm yourself down, Snips"

"Shut it, Skyguy you are acting like as if you aren't excited about this" said Ashoka Tano with an eye roll.

"Enough both of you. Call Senator Amidala and Captain Rex so that we can start with the future viewing" said Obi Wan. They both nodded at him and left to look for Senator and Captain.


Author's Note

The future viewing will begin from next chapter till then bye.

Well there is no need to say bye, as I am returning in a few minutes with a new update

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