vi. relevations

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"Skywalker would you mind explaining yourself?" Mace Windu yelled at the said man as it was revealed that those two children were his

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"Skywalker would you mind explaining yourself?" Mace Windu yelled at the said man as it was revealed that those two children were his.

Anakin was sweating bullets when he heard the Koruan master's s question.

'This is it. My secret is going to be revealed' Anakin thought to himself.

"I don't think we should be discussing this right now, Master" Master Plo Kaan stated while looking at both Anakin and Mace. He was shocked too as he learned that the young Jedi Knight has broken the Jedi code.

"No, Master Plo. It has to be discussed right now. It is very important" Mace said while looking at the Jedi Master and then shifted his attention to Anakin.

"I don't think so, Master. We have a lot of pressing matters to discuss which are clearly more important than the fact that Anakin Skywalker has broken the Jedi Code" Luminara said flatly. Her eyes wandering to Anakin and Mace.

"But still he has broken Jedi code-" Mace started to speak but he was cut off by Master Mundi.

"From what we all could gather, old friend. This is future we don't know what happened to Anakin and convicting or interrogating Anakin about something which hasn't been done yet. I find it rather unfair. So I urge you to settle down on your seat." Master Mundi said in a urging tone. Anakin looked at the old master, and smiled in gratitude.

"I agree with Master Mundi. We have no idea as to what happened in future and we need to stay calm. So I would expect you to not interrogate my former student, on this matter" said Obi Wan. Anakin smiled at his master for saving him once again infront of the council and said "Thank you"

Mace was about to retort when he heard a voice "Silence, watch the future we must not to argue about it. Peacefully settle down all of you"

Obi Wan had known that Anakin and Padmé liked each other and know he was sure that Anakin has a relationship or will have a relationship with Padme in future. Anakin will or have broken the Jedi code which means that he might be thrown out of the order. That thought alone sent shivers down his spine. Anakin was his brother, he had practically raised him. Thinking of a life without him will be difficult.

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