ix. millennium falcon

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P.S. - A long chapter ahead. Enjoy!!!

Jelena entered the Cantina and her eyes began searching for her brother and Obi Wan. Needless to say, all the eyes turned towards her as she entered perhaps being the only woman to enter the Cantina that day or perhaps in a while brought everyone's attention to her.

Mike stepped inside the Cantina and closed the door. He looked around and saw himself at the attention everyone.
Or perhaps at the person standing in front of him.

Jelena stood rooted to her place when she found herself at the attention of each and everyone present there. She gulped a little in nervousness.

"I guess this is the first time she or Luke has ever been to Cantina that's they are nervous" Kit Fisto commented after observing the behavior of twins.

"Its true and looking at everyone else expression it seems like a woman hasn't entered that Cantina for a long time" Shaak Ti said agreeing with the master.

Mike sensed the nervousness of the girl and rolled his eyes in annoyance and whispered to her.

"Will you walk or perhaps stand here until your bones start yelling at you for tiring them out." he whispered near her ear which jerked her out if her chain of thoughts.

"Yeah, you don't need to tell me that" she said and looked around for sign of Luke.

"Lets find our respective brothers together" Mike suggested to her and she didn't said anything in response.

"The attention is making her uncomfortable" Rex commented as he looked at the girl on screen.

"Of course, it is. Those people can't mind their own business." Anakin replied in anger as he saw his daughter getting nervous.

Jelena went further into the Cantina. Some people looked away and carried on with their business, while others followed her every action.

Even though she hated the man but remained by his side until she could find her brother.

"Do women don't go to Cantina??" Caleb asked.

"They do go to Cantina but we are talking about Tatooine. There only those people go who are smugglers, gangsters or other sort of criminals. There are women who are bounty hunters, smugglers and into all sort of criminal activities. Now on Tatooine only a woman who is a smuggler or a criminal would go and in case of Jelena she is none of them and even the way she carries herself only speaks that she is a normal, innocent girl. That's why those people are looking at her like this" Shaak Ti explained him and he nodded.

"Hey, sweetheart. Need some help" A man with gray hair and black eyes asked Jelena with a smirk. His roved up and down her body.

"No, thanks. I can help myself" Jelena replied coldly.

"Stay away from her." Anakin yelled in anger. Seeing a prevert near his daughter.

"This cantina is full of criminals. Surely you'll need some -" He stands up and walks over to her but Mike turns her away saying "She's with me, so stand down"

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