ii. princess

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The princess in question had linked up with the droids and was busy inserting several codes into Artoo. Her face was obscured by the smoke in the engine room, but her white dress was unmistakable.

"So this is the princess" said Ashoka Tano as she looked at the brown eyed princess. She had brown eyes, chestnut hair, fair skin like Senator.

"Yeah we can see that, Snips" said Anakin.

"She looks like you, Senator Padme Amidala" Obi wan said as he noticed the similarities between the princess on screen and the former queen of Naboo.

'But her lips are like Anakin' Obi Wan thought to himself as he keenly noticed that one similarity between the two.

Padme's hand went to her belly when she saw the Princess.

"Well,the princess is in desperate need of help" said Caleb, the padawan of Master Bilaba.

"Thanks for stating the very obvious, Caleb" Luminara sarcastically said which made the said man blush a little in embarrassment.

"Where have you been? Oh... they're coming this way! We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel or smashed into who knows what!", Threepio said with barely contained terror, Artoo just beeped and lead the way to the escape pods while the Princess watched them go.

"That's something only, Threepio can say" Anakin said to Padme who chuckled a little.

"Are you the one saying that. I remember you saying something similar to Obi Wan when we were on a mission to Larasia" Ashoka said that with a chuckle while Anakin groaned upon being reminded about that mission.

Outside, captured rebel prisoners were being marched away as the imperials continued scouring the ship. One of the stormtroopers returned to where the black-clad commander was waiting with the bad news. "Sir, we've finished checking the logs, the Death Star plans are not in the main computer."

The Cyborg nodded and returned his attention to the rebel officer he was holding by the neck, ignoring the man's flailing legs as they sought the floor. "Where are those transmissions you intercepted? What have you done with those plans?"

"W-we intercepted no transmissions hrrk! Th-this is a consular ship! We're on a diplomatic mission!" The officer sputtered out as he struggled to breathe through the iron grip.

"If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?" the black-clad commander asked rhetorically before tightening his grip and snapping the man's neck.

All the Jedi present in the room hissed at the man's unfortunate fate. Padme's hand went to her neck in an instinct. Anakin and Obi Wan glared at the man for what he did to the poor trooper.

Tossing the dead body to the side, he addressed the soldier who brought him the news. "Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans! And bring me the passengers, I want them alive."

"Voice of a cynical tyrant" growled Mace Windu in anger.

"He gives me the vibes of a Sith" stated Obi Wan as he had fought with Count Dooku in past knowing the cruelty, cynical personality of a Sith.

"Right you are, Master Kenobi. Qualities of a Sith he has" agreed Master Yoda.

Once the orders were passed down, the Stormtroopers switched their blasters to stun and resumed their hunt. Several of them made it into the engine room where the princess was hiding, before they could make it any further in and compromise Threepio and Artoo, a single shot rang out and the lead storm trooper fell over dead from a shot to the heart.

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