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- He wants me to do what? - I look at the men in front of me as the coffee smell fills the air. We're all sitting on the kitchen island. - A test?

Rhodes and Tony just informed me someone from SHIELD will come by to evaluate me. Rhodey said they need to keep track of the enhanced humans, whatever that means, and he thinks that includes me. Why would SHIELD care that I heal fast? Are they gonna experiment on me or something? That thought alone almost drives me into another panic attack.

Tony doesn't look happy about this.

- It's a physical evaluation with an agent so Fury can see what you are capable of. - Rhodey repeats and Tony continues to glare at him. - After that, he'll decide what to do.

The air is thick with tension between them, and it's obvious that I'm missing something, or maybe even several things. But for some reason, they don't think it's productive to fill me in on the backstory of why this has to be such a big deal.

- Am I going to prison? - I ask, remembering what Tony said when we were in Siberia.

- I won't let that happen. - He holds my hand and Rhodes frowns at the gesture. - Considering everything that happened with the Accords and the bullshit in Siberia, I doubt he'll try to arrest anyone.

- Ok. - It doesn't sound like any of us has a choice. - When is this...uh... test happening?

- In an hour. - Rhodes replies, looking at me and Tony like we're a puzzle he can't finish. - Fury will send someone here.

- I'll be there the whole time. - Tony keeps holding my hand. - Say the word and I kick the agent out. Ok?

I nod again. As long as that General guy doesn't know what's going on I should be good. The only times Tony mentioned Fury, he said the director is one of the good guys, prone to keeping secrets and making crazy plans, but his heart is mostly in the right place.

The next hour passes by unbearably slowly, and it doesn't help that Tony and Rhodey keep angrily staring at each other across the kitchen island. Rhodey was the one who decided to call Fury and Tony didn't want him to. We drink coffee in silence, or at least pretend to, and at some point, I'm almost sure they do a no-blinking contest, which is interrupted by Tony's phone. He excuses himself and steps out to answer the call.

I expected the awkward silence to continue, but Rhodey decides to speak up.

- So what do you do exactly?

- Well... - I shift on the seat. - I don't remember. But probably something with math. I'm good with it.

- Right. - He continues to look at me like he's trying to read my soul or something. - Are you sleeping with Tony?

- Excuse me? - I jolt my head up.

- Are you and Tony sleeping together ? - He insists and my face turns red. - Because this whole thing doesn't make sense to me.

- I'm not sleeping with him.

It's true. Despite what happened during the storm we never slept together, although I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind.

- What is Tony gaining from this? Because until 3 months ago, aside front when he was dating Pepper, there were always women here. Often times more than one. - Rhodey laughs bitterly. - But it's not like that anymore. He changed his whole life for you, that's not something you do for a friend.

- I never asked him to do that. - I try to defend myself. - I didn't ask for any of this.

- So Tony voluntarily surrendered all of his pleasures for a girl that doesn't even know her fucking name? - He's almost yelling. - That makes no sense! What do you want? This little good girl act you have going on might've worked on Tony, but it won't work on me.

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