Thirty Five

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Tony walks behind me in silence and the air is electrified. He closes the bathroom door and grabs my hips, sitting me down on the sink. He steps into the shower to turn on the water and in only a few seconds, the entire room is covered in steam. The mirror behind me fogs up.

The anticipation is driving me crazy. We've never had shower sex before. I know it's a common thing, but I've never done it. Sometimes my lack of experience makes me a tad insecure, but I've never heard any complaints. Tony checks the water temperature one more time before removing his shirt and walking over to where I am.

- How much time do we have before your mission? - He nudges my knees open and sets himself between them.

- The quinjet leaves at 5 pm. So, we have about 3 hours.

- Not nearly enough time. - Tony chuckles, getting a hold of the hem of my pants and taking it off, leaving me in nothing but underwear.

- That much I agree on. - I nod as he jumps out of his pants, tossing them on the floor a moment later.

- Get up and take off your underwear. - Tony's demanding tone sends a warmth through my stomach.

I do as he said, making a whole show of taking off the panties and then the bra. His eyes don't leave my body for a second. There's nothing better for my self-esteem than the way Tony looks at me. It's like the world could be on fire and he still wouldn't look away.

- Enter the shower.

Once again I follow the order, entering and letting the water run through my body. He stands on the edge, watching me carefully, eyes darkened with desire.

- Are you coming? - I ask, snapping him out of whatever thought process he was in.

Tony doesn't rush in, he takes one slow step at a time until he's right behind me under the hot water flow. His fingers rest on my side and a kiss is planted on my neck. He takes one final step, closing the gap between our wet bodies.

My head falls on his shoulder as he continues to tease me, biting and nibbling at my neck just the way I like it while his hands touch me everywhere. My tighs. My breasts. Everywhere except for the part that's desperate for his touch. Tony always liked to tease, provoke, make me beg.

- Tony! - I moan, leaning a hand on the shower wall. - Please.

- What is it? - He teases, leaving open mouth kisses across my shoulders. - What do you want, angel?

- Do something. Touch me.

- Where? - Tony continues playing. - Do you want me to fuck you with my fingers? Make you cum with them?

Saying this kind of thing out loud is hard for me. In the house where I was raised, this would be considered promiscuous behavior. Tony knows that, so the reward for speaking is always worth it.

- Y-yes, please.

He's not usually this much of a dirty talker, but my response is immediate. Even if we weren't in the shower my panties would be soaked by now. His fingers finally get to where I want them, circling and pumping just the way I need it while whispering more obscenities in my ear.

Tony picks up a pace and my legs falter. His touch combined with the hot water and the dirty talk is overwhelming in a ridiculously good way. The unholy sounds that come out of my mouth reverberate against the shower walls, echoing back into our ears. He takes a step forward, pressing me against the cold tiles without slowing down his movements.

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