chapter 57

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They drugged me. I don't know what is in the IV hanging above my head but I can feel the effects. It's hard to keep my eyes open, all my limbs hurt and there's a persistent throb in the back of my head. Whatever that blue liquid is, it isn't a regular drug, it was made to knock off super soldiers.

Both of my hands are tied to the chair a little tighter than necessary. I can't muster enough strength to try breaking the chains.

- Finally. - A voice behind me announces. It takes a second for the room to stop spinning. Edward looks even more psychotic than the last time I saw him. - You're awake. I was hoping we could have a chat before your boyfriend comes to your rescue.

- What do you wanna talk about?

I think I can pull the IV out of the bag if I move the chair an inch to the right. But he has to be distracted for that to work.

- You really are a curious case.. - He begins walking around the small space, wide gestures and forced expressions. It feels like I'm watching a play. - Taken after overhearing something you shouldn't have. Never forced to kill or even hurt anyone. A poor little guinea pig.

- I don't understand what you want from me. - I make a whole show of trying to move to the left and, like a charm, he pushes me in the opposite direction. I'm closer now. Maybe if I can stretch my fingers... - I haven't done anything wrong.

- You got in bed with the wrong men. - He keeps a hand on the back of the chair, his face so close to mine I feel his breath. It's nasty. - It's a shame. Such a pretty face.

He inches a little closer so I hit his face with my head with all the strength I have. Because of the IV that strength is significantly less than usual but it's enough to make him bleed, a cut on his forehead.

- Feisty. - He mumbles, wiping some blood with his sleeve. - I like that. So strong and yet so unaware. You don't even know what happened, do you? The night you went into a coma?

- You're bluffing... - My voice breaks. I can't afford to show fear right now but I am terrified. - Nothing happened.

- Are you sure? - He grabs a chair and sits in front of me, this time keeping a nice distance. - Tell me Grace, are you familiar with the concept of genome editing?

- No. - I lie, remembering I'm supposed to try stalling him.

- I'm afraid we don't have enough time to go over the nitty gritty but basically, you died on April 2nd, 1947. - The corners of his mouth raise. He's not lying. - HYDRA wasn't ready to lose their precious lab rat so they used genome editing to stimulate healing through advanced cellular regeneration. Your cells developed a new biological structure in response to the trauma your body suffered in the 2 years prior.

- That's impossible. - Even though it makes more sense the more I think about it. Why I felt like a different girl from the one I was in the 40s even after my memories were restored. The way so many core things about me changed. It wasn't just the trauma. I died. Literally.

- The procedure brought you back to life but made you immune to their mind control. - Edward smiles wickedly, wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb. - So they froze you, Zemo for some reason decided not to shoot you and now, here you are.

He doesn't know. Somewhere amid my thoughts about dying, I realize he has no idea I survived a gunshot.

- Well, we have company. - He chuckles at his phone, pulling a gun from his back pocket and holding it to my head. - Don't try to remove the IV again.

Before I can utter a protest he injects something into my arm and everything fades to black. 

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