Cinderella and The Wolf

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I winced in pain as I glance in the mirror while gently touching the wound at the corner of my lips. Pain- I thought I will become numb at this point of time but then I am not sure anymore whether it's my body nor my heart is burning. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I recalled how her heavy hands landed on my body causing me wounds here and there. I wiped the the first streak of tears that fell in my eyes as I put the last straw of medicine over my wound. This won't be obvious by tomorrow right? I hope it's not, I don't know what excuse anymore I will tell to Minhyun how I got hurt. I was startled when my door flung open and a woman came rushing in.

" Yah..for how long will you stay here? I told you to prepare dinner already " Mina, my stepsister said with her annoyed looking face. " Get off your lazy asses and start cooking" she added with her both hands now on her waist.

I slowly got out from my seat not worrying about the wounds on my legs, scared that If I annoyed her even more she will add more wounds her mother put into mine.

I headed to kitchen to prepare dinner. How long has it been? I lost count of the days and months already. Putting out the beef from the fridge, I heard my stepmom shouted from the living room. " Yah..bring out a glass of water, quickly". I stopped from my work and headed to where she was seated with a glass of water on my hand. Glaring at me, I slowly put the water on top of the table.

" why are you so slow these days?" She said and as if my wounds weren't enough she kicked my shin. " Get out of my sight and fix the dinner already". Wincing in pain, I went back to kitchen hurriedly, almost stumble determined to be hidden from her view. I stopped when I heard a door opened from one of the room. Minhyun appeared with his messy hair while rubbing his eyes.

" Umma, I'm hungry" he said with his cute voice.

His mother came towards him and gently pat his head. "aigoo, our Minhyun is hungry already, did you sleep well?" Her tender voice echoed in my ear. The old woman in front of me is completely different from the person who hits me earlier.

My cute litttle brother nodded his head. His eyes darted towards me. " noona, are you cooking?".

I curved my lips into thin smile, worried that he might notice my wound. " hmm.. just wait a little and noona will be done in no time".

"arhmm..." his mother cleared her throat. I glanced at her briefly with my worried eyes and turned my head to Minhyun. I smiled wider to my brother and finally continue my way towards the kitchen.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Afternoon break from school is my favorite, while the others will go crowd the cafeteria or the gym to play games. Here I am, at the school backyard, alone, lying peacefully on the grass with my eyes closed, hair's messy with a few strands covering my face. I was humming softly while the wind blows gently touching my skin as if comforting my scarred body.

As I was lost in thoughts, I heard something, somewhere behind the trees not too far from where I was . Alarmed, I opened my eyes and immediately got up. I heard that if you go straight from our school backyard it will lead you to a forest. It's not a wild animals right? I've been hanging out of this place for long and I haven't seen any kind of animals, and I've never heard any stories of it coming this far to our school. I mean the forest is like a miles away. Nervously, My feet brought me towards the trees, as I was about to reach it I heard a loud voice.

" Yah..Lee said you have to go home early and look after Minhyun. She needs to go out and I have plans tonight" my head turned to Mina who's standing not too far with her friends laughing beside her.

I nodded when I heard her friend talked " Yah you're sister looks crazy, why is she alone in this place?. I lowered my head and shook my dress acting like getting rid of the dirt. I shook it even more when I heard Mina talked " she's not my sister".

I wonder why my tears welling up in my eyes when in fact I am used to be called no one's family. Apart from Minhyun, who's the only one giving me the strength to continue living despite of my body's threatening to give up. Minhyun!! Yes, for Minhyun, as if I saw a beam of light, I fought back my tears and raised my head. However, my eyes met their mocking faces making me shrink in my place. The courage I've gained a while ago is slowly dissipating, my body's about to tremble when I heard a loud growl behind me.

The looked at Mina and her friends face turned horrified. In a split second, I found them screaming and running away. I looked behind me and my eyes met a large black wolf standing near the trees. Surprised, I stumbled on my feet making me fell with my butt hitting the ground first. " Ouch " I murmured softly while caressing my butt then I gazed to the wolf whose ears now are all perked up and angry eyes turning soft. A long minute has passed, our eyes are fixated on each other, watching each other move. My mouth open wide when the wolf seated, lying comfortably on the bushes. He seems like a tamed wolf!. I crawled preparing myself to get up.

Slowly my feet headed towards the wolf, eyes not leaving on his , a little scared that he might suddenly attack me. As if encouraging me to come closer, the wolf lowered his head even more making my fear to be completely forgotten. Extending my hand with the tips of my fingers, I started to stroke his head. The wolf seems to like it as he moved his head the way my hand moved against his. Kneeling down beside him, I continuously stroked his fur. I jolted when I felt his tongue licking my face.

I let out a small laugh when the wolf continuously licked my face. I pushed his head gently trying to stop him and ask " were you lost?". I don't know what but I feel like the wolf understood me when his eyes looked at me intently and barked. " You need to go straight that way and you will find the forest " I said while pointing my finger towards the forest.
The black wolf gently moved his head against my face tickling me with his soft fur. I laughed even more with his gesture. " alright,'s you need to go. Mina and her friends saw you and they might reported you. It will be dangerous for you to stay here longer" I said while motioning him towards the forest. The wolf seems not to like to leave yet as he was staying in his place not making any move. " common you need to go.. you can't stay here hmmm.." I cooed.

Our little dispute were interrupted when I heard the school bell rang. " go now. I need to go back to my class.. I will come back here tomorrow" I said signalling him to go. His ears perked up as if he likes that I am coming back again and finally started to move. I smiled and waved a goodbye while the wolf in front of me barked as we started to go our separate ways.

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