The Eve

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Being alone with Minhyun at home is one of my favorite moment. Him telling stories in his school, when his favorite teacher complimented him, who did he eat with during lunch break, and right now he's telling me stories about his experienced yesterday with Mina while munching the afternoon snacks we prepared.

" I'm telling you noona, you should bring me next time...hmm? I really want to ride the carousel with you!" Minhyun exclaimed happily. I can't help but to smile, at least one of us were happy last night.

I smiled gently and asked " You really liked it ah?"

He nodded his head. His eyes are beaming with happiness " hmmm..I think I would like it more if you come with me". Then he whispered soflty " this is out secret, but you are my favorite".

I laughed. My heart is full hearing about my brother's confession. Then I nodded my head " arasso.. next time we will go together".

"Yes" he shouted while making a fist hand. Then his eyes widen " ah right..when you got a boyfriend promise you'll let me meet him first..ah I really don't like Mina noona's boyfriend".

I raised my brows " since when did you learned about this thing? And why don't you like him?"

" Noona, I'm not a kid anymore okay..I'm already 8. And Mina noona's boyfriend is a jerk. He didn't pay anything. Noona is the one who paid for everything. And I'm not sure but I can sense something bad at him. He kept looking at the girls while were walking"

" Aigoo..really?" I responded. Amazed at my brother's statement, then I ruffled his hair " for me, you are still my little brother okay? And 8 is still a kid!"

He shook his head " I'm not a kid anymore.. see I help you prepared this snacks " He beamed while pointing to the half-finished snacks on the table.

I laughed. " okay..okay..if that's what you believed"

"But seriously noona, if you got a boyfriend, I want to meet him first okay?" He said before he gulped down the remaining orange juice.

I just nodded my head while smiling. I think time is flying so fast. My little brother is now 8 years old and he's growing up so well. I'm sure dad will be proud of him. I smiled at the thought and looked at my dad's picture hanged through the wall in the living room.


At the moment, I just want time to passed quickly. I am in my class, lying on my desk pretending to sleep while waiting for the next professor. Ever since I came this morning, I kept getting weird glances from students. I am not sure why but I had an inkling that this is related to Kyungsoo. But I had'nt seen Kyungsoo since morning. I guess he didn't come to school today so I had no way to confimed it.

As what I wanted, my class finished already and I am now walking out of the school gate. I kept my head on the ground, as I am getting awkward with the stares I'm receiving from the students. I jolted, someone held my hand and stopped me from walking. As I raised my head, my face brightened when I found Kyungsoo, a subtle smile is shown in his face and he looks...nervous? " Where have you been? Why didn't you go to school? Is everything alright?" I asked momentarily.

He chuckled " did you miss me?".

I stiffened. I never thought of it but I think I missed his presence.I snapped out of my thoughts when he suddently dragged me " We need to go somewhere".

" Eh..wait.." I frowned when he lead me to a black car, parked not too far from school. " Where are we going?" He buckled my seat belt then his eyes fixed on mine before he said firmly " Home".

" Eh?" I responded confusedly. He just gave me a soft smile and didn't say a word anymore before he started driving. I stayed frozen on my seat and kept quiet during the entire journey. Kyungsoo seems too focus on driving or It's what I think it may seem. I heard him sighed multiple times, I don't know why but I think he's nervous or something. I can't help but to get worried and asked " is everything okay?". He glanced at me briefly and with a gentle smile, he hummed softly " hmm" before he focus himself in driving. I just shook it off and looked at the surroundings. I noticed that I don't see any houses on the way, instead trees and bushes were all I can see. I mean we don't live in the city and all, but I think this is the first time I've reached this place. No houses, no buildings, and no people. Just plain bushes and trees, are we in the middle of the forest or something?.

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