48. Plain Answers

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"You could say to the universe this is not fair

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"You could say to the universe this is not fair.
And the universe would say: Oh, isn't it? Sorry."

― Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times

48. Plain Answers

Battle raged, and for once Legolas didn't think about the lives he was taking. He mechanically went through the fencing routine; slash, block, duck, parry, stab, but on the inside he was struggling, fighting a desperate mental battle against the numbing terror of the Nazgûl. He couldn't let them get to him.

"The eagles are coming," roared Gandalf, standing on top of a hill, and soon his words were echoed by the other combatants: "The eagles are coming!"

Legolas heard the angry screeches of the Nazgûl as the eagles attacked them, and then he saw something strange: all the winged beasts turned in the air and raced south like eight black arrows. Had their lord called them back?

But it didn't really matter. They were gone and he could breathe easier. Strength returned to his limbs. Then he noticed something changing on the battlefield; the enemy forces began to hesitate, some even falling back – for the first time appearing afraid. The tide was turning.

"Stand, men of the west," came Gandalf's strong voice. "Stand and wait! This is the hour of doom."

As if brought on by his words, the ground began to tremble and a deafening, prolonged thunder roared in their ears. Inky clouds poured from Mordor, forming a huge shadow that hovered above them. For a terrifying moment Legolas thought it would attack, but instead it was dissolved by the wind and disappeared.

Warm, brilliant sunlight shone down through the clouds. He blinked against it. It felt like he had just woken up from a nightmare.

Orcs, trolls and corrupted men howled in panic and scattered in all directions like deer before wolves.

"The realm of Sauron is ended!" cheered Gandalf jubilantly. "The Ring-bearer has fulfilled his quest."


"My precious..." whispered Gollum, tears trickling down his pale cheeks. He was looking where the Ring had just disappeared.

Next to him, Frodo's face mirrored his expression of shock and disbelief. "It's gone...!"

The mountain was beginning to crumble; rocks and pebbles cascaded around them and the roar of the boiling lava below was deafening.

"Come!" Sam grabbed Frodo's arm and turned towards the exit.

"MIAOW!" shouted Kat, indicating Gollum with an urgently waving paw. She must still save him, but she was too small – as usual.

Sam hesitated briefly, but then shook his head in defeat. "Oh, curse you, you stinking thing!" He took Gollum's arm too, and dragged both of them out.

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now