In This Together

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When I opened the door I saw Jasper. He still had a bandage on his arm and back but that didn't hold him back from hugging me.

"So how are you doing, you know with the whole stitches thing?" I asked him.

"I'm doing fine, the real question is how are you doing I know this is a big decision to make." He replied looking straight into my eyes.

"It was, believe me, I thought about it all night, but I'm gonna do it." I said starring at the floor.

"I thought you should too, I support you one hundred percent in anything you want to do." He kissed me and without hesitation I kissed him back. While we were kissing the door swung open, and someone came in.

"Oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, anyway my name is Lacey Harris, I am your lawyer."

"Ok, it's fine, hi this is Jasper and I am..." She interrupts,

"Your Harmony Jones, I read the report, ok now let's get down the first order of business, do you want to represent your case?" She asks. I can feel my heart beating faster then usual and have to sit down.

"Yes, I would, and I know we have to have evidence of the beating so I thought I should show you..." I stand back up and show her the area of bruising on my legs.

"Wow, I know about what he did to Jasper but he did that to you?!" I nod my head blinking back tears. I think Jasper knew that I was about to cry and he walked over to me putting his good arm around me. After taking pictures of my bruising the lawyer left. Jasper and I layed side by side on the couch, his arm around me. We didn't speak for a while and I decided to break the silence.

"Thanks for coming today, it really helped to know you were here." I said still shaken for the trial.

"I'll always be here for you Harmony, because I love you. And my love for you is stronger then words could ever describe." He said a tear begins to roll down the side of my cheek because of his words. I turn around and kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me harder. I brace myself. I put my arms around him and start climbing up the back of his shirt. I could stay like this forever, but I knew that this couldn't last. I slowly pull away and stair into his eyes. He looks at me as if I'm the only thing in the world. I keep my arm around him and drift of into a deep sleep.

That night I had an awful nightmare. We were in the court only me, my dad, and Jasper. My dad had something behind his back, as he lifted it. I jumped. It was a gun, but it wasn't pointed at was pointed at Jasper! My dad pulled the trigger. I tried to push Jasper out of the way but I was to late. Jasper fell with a thud leaving only me left. My dad aimed at me and I woke up screaming. Jasper rushed over in a flash to see what was wrong. I must have been crying because I felt water falling down my cheeks.

"Are you okay!?" Jasper said worried. I looked up at him to show him my tears. That was the sign that I wasn't ok and he hugged me.

"It was a nightmare," I said putting my face in my hands, " My dad killed you and was going to shoot me too." I explained starting to sob. Jasper grabbed me and I looked up.

"I'm right here ok. And as long as I live I will protect you no matter what the circumstances are. No one will hurt you ever again." He whispered, I stared straight at him. I felt like our lips were magnets needing to be pulled together, so I leaned in and kissed him. I released from the pull of his lips and hugged him tighter then before. I could hear his heart thumping in his chest, I could hear his blood moving through out his veins, I could feel his warmth. I

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