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Chapter 8

In advance, please excuse any grammatical errors, my loves. x

[Zayn's POV]

Zayn x Harry moment- (Best friends till the end, right?)


  I sat on my porch step, my luggage the only thing keeping me company. My cheeks, all sticky from the dry tears that are sucking on the flesh of my flushed cheeks. Fresh tears started to brew at the brim of my eyes, when I took a glance at my watch.

  It's 6 am. I have only two more hours, to get everything fixed into it's original spot. Sighing heavily, I gnawed on my bottom lip, as I contemplated if I should call Harry, so I could say my farewells to him. He maybe already knows that Ronny is the one who told me to leave, so Harry could easily make contact with my girlfriend. A part of me is grateful that he made me leave, because if I was still here, seeing Harry and Kitorah together would be like a stab to the heart. My throat constricted at the idiotic thoughts, my brain was throwing my way.

  Ronny is a very manipulative man. When he threatens to do something, he isn't bluffing. He is a man of his words, what says must go. If you don't follow his orders the way he wants it, say bye bye to your family. You might be awaken to a thump at your door step. The thump being a body of one of your loved ones brutally assassinated. I can't take any of these risks, not even a little bit. We must do what he says, follow every command he spits out of his deceiving lips.

  You could say that he owns the strings to us. Carry us around like we're some sort of lifeless doll, that needs strings in order to move. It's a matter of life or death situation. He grasps the hold of our strings and shakes us abruptly in his hold. 

  Lifting up my phone off of the porch floor, I dialed Harry's number in before my decision can swap in it's own state of mind. My heart thudded rapidly against my rib - cage in anticipation. My fingers absentmindedly raking it's way through my hair. The ringing continued, the dreaded sound making this even more harder than it actually is.

  I was about to hit the end button when I heard a gruff "Hello" on the other end of the receiver.

"Um, hey Haz. It's Zayn, you maybe know why I'm calling?" I asked, a nervous chuckle following. "Well, um. I was wondering if you could come over so I could tell you good bye, in person?" I asked my eyes beginning to prick.

"Yeah, yeah sure Z. I'll be right over in a few minutes. I know what you're going through and I'm so sorry for it. If I could've change this I would, in a heart beat. See you in a bit, mate." A smile tugged at my lips, at his caring tone. Best friends would do anything for each other. Harry is a true friend from since 2nd grade, he stuck up for me when the bullies would give me the 'You're useless look'. He had my back no matter what and I have his as well. Best friend love can never cease, or thrown away so easily.

"Alright, great. I thought you wouldn't want to see me." I replied, my voice sounding distant while I play with the string of my red sweater.

"Why wouldn't I wanna see you? It's not your fault that he's forcing you to leave your girlfriend behind. I've met her by the way. She's fucking crazy, man." H teased, shuffling being heard afterwards. He's probably changing, into something more appropriate for the road. He's very keen about his attire, that's one thing about him that is very amusing.I chuckled lightly, my smile becoming wider each second.

  He brightens my moods every time there is a cloud is hovering above my head. He chases it away with his words. I'm glad I've met him. The man on the other end of the phone, is maybe a good choice for Kitorah to fall in love with. His personality will easily  captivate you. His mesmerizing charms will make you gravitate to him without  endeavour. "Did Ronny give you your money?" Harry asked, his voice laced with curiosity. Cars and horns molded together created a raucous noise in the background.

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