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Please excuse any mistakes, my darlings. xo

Chapter 9

[Kitorah's POV ]

I stared blankly down at Zayn, as my mind mentally screamed at me to turn around and leave this disinfectant room, immediately. But I couldn't even step away from this uncomfortable bed, that he is currently occupying. This young man before me, have been there for me no matter what. When a wave of problems collided into me with no mercy, he was truly the only one that managed to haul me out before drowning.

Even if he has chosen to leave me behind. I would always love him, no matter what the consequences might be. Nothing can pull me away from him. He is the light at the end of a gloomy tunnel, my love for eternity. Tears dribbled down my face, as I continued to look down at Zayn's face.

Placing a hand gently onto his bruised and gashed up face, a tear slipped out unwillingly. I watched as he lightly breathed. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. He looks like he's fighting for his life. A battle between life and death. After a few seconds, my shield was shattered as I started full blown crying. The tears rushed down like an unstoppable waterfall.

"Please don't leave me here, Zayn. I need you! You're the only one I have left. Don't leave me." I yelled, the feeling of lost hitting me full force. I raked my fingers through my straight brown hair, pacing the room anxiously. My mind was all over the place. If he leaves me, I'll be all alone in the dark, no one there to turn the light back on.

A delicate knock on the door was heard, stopping me mid step. I wiped quickly under my eyes to get rid of the liquid underneath them. I tried molding myself back together, so I could be able to be a strong masterpiece that Zayn wanted me to be. I also don't want anyone to see how broken I really am. I sniffled and rubbed my now rosy nose and looked behind me to see who was knocking.

I immediately rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest, my face contorted in a disgusted manner.

"Why the hell are you here? To try and wiggle yourself in and convince me into working at your shitty work place?" I seethed, shooting daggers at him. He rolled his eyes, a smile appearing onto his beautiful face in amusement. He lifted up his hands in mock surrender, taking a step closer.

"Hey now. That man over there in that uncomfortable shit.." He started off, pointing a slender finger in the direction of Zayn in his bed. "Is my best friend, you can't stop me from seeing him. I'm not here to do anything but see my friend. Have fucking sympathy, or maybe you don't have any?" He spat back, glaring right back at me.

My blood started boiling, the water about to leak over the edge. But before any outburst that is fighting to spill out, I stuck up my middle finger at Harry and stomped out of the hospital, flames prominent in my eyes.

I searched for the bathroom in the hospital, my stupid ass ending up being lost in this smelly hell hole. A nurse was about to walk by, but I halted her movement when I yelled "excuse me" with a polite smile on my face. She looked at my face carefully, as if she was trying to read my face. I touched my cheek, my insecurities flooding in. I was about to ask her what's wrong with my face, but I changed my mind.

"Where are the bathrooms, Miss?" I asked politely, adding another generous smile. The woman was like in a trance, her mind racing a mile per hour. What the hell is she pondering about? "Miss?" I asked, my patience running thin.

"O-oh I'm sorry, darling. I was just wondering why a pretty face like you, would be crying. The bathrooms back in the front." She finally replied, pointing the way I've came from. I groaned mentally, cursing myself for not seeing it.

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