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Please excuse any grammatical errors, loves. Hope you enjoy this chapter. And happy New Years babies! Hope you have a blessed and prosperous New year. There's a little bit of sex in here, just to give you a heads up.😉 Also, when y'all read, can you please vote? Stop being a ghost reader, babies, thank you.😌💖

Chapter 11

[Kitorah's POV]

Placing a chaste kiss on Zayn's forehead, I closed my eyes briefly. To contain the river that is ready to spill, any second.

Zayn's eyes started to flutter open, I quickly unattached my lips from his forehead and smiled warmly down at him. My precious baby. The love of my life. My best friend.

He opens his eyes fully, his eyes bright as he lays his eyes on me. A smile graces my lips, a smirk starting to creep onto my face.

"How's my baby doing?" I asked teasingly, as I pinched his cheeks gently. I only did this just to annoy him, knowing very well it'll work. He places his hands on either side of him, adding pressure onto them to help him sit up. He groans in pain, dropping back down onto the soft surface of the pillows.

My heart beat accelerated, my eyes bulging out of their sockets. I hurriedly to a hold of him and slowly helped him sit up. He looked up at me gratefully, his expression turning into a playful glare.

"What did I tell you about pinching my cheeks, babe? You're soooo lucky I'm in this stupid ass bed." He joked, rolling his eyes playfully, as his signature smirk tugged upwards. Zayn's voice was a bet raspy, his lips chapped. The boy in front of me is starting to gain back his original skin colour. His eyes aren't dull, they're the bright hazel that I fell in love with. That I adore to an extent that nobody would understand.

"Um, why're you staring? I know I'm sexy but, you already know this." He said cockily, throwing me a wink. I rolled my eyes and told him to hold forward so I could fluff his pillows.

He hunched forward, patiently waiting till I'm finished fluffing up his pillows. I put them back down and pat them, signalling that he could lay back down.

"How are the kids?" He asked, reaching over his bed for the glass of water, sitting patiently for him to drink. He struggled to grasp it and I walked over to the table, took it up and put the glass up to his head. He gulped down the water greedily, quenching his thirst. His throat is probably parched.

Taking the cup away from his mouth slowly, I wiped around his mouth delicately from any excessive water around his mouth.

"They're great." I replied, with a devious smirk attached to my face. "Actually, I've brought the little dare Devils here, to see you. They said they missed you." I added, smiling when the brats ran into the room when I mentioned their presence.

"Zaynie!" They both yelled, as they scurried into the room running straight towards him.

His eyes lit up instantaneously as he saw them. His warm caramel eyes twinkled with pure happiness, from the sight of them. He loved these two kids with his whole heart and he would do anything for them.

I observed affectionately, as he struggled a bit to lift them up onto his bed. Gnawing on my bottom lip, the gears in my head started to turn. I've just came to the conclusion that Calissa and Kamani are his world. His little masterpieces. A warm smile dawned upon my face, at how delicate and loving, he is towards them.

My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach, after a few minutes of watching them. The smile that occupied my face, wiped off immediately.

All because of the memory of our last dinner together. When he told me the second worst thing that is going to break my heart into millions of pieces, one by one. My heart is going to break piece by piece, by every second of the day, that I won't see him. He's leaving me and I can't do anything to stop him.

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