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Please excuse any grammatical errors, my loves. Enjoy :))

Chapter 10

[Harry's POV ]

"Good morning sir, would you like the usual?" The cashier asked, her voice coated with fake enthusiasm and a plastic smile pinned on her face. Bags hung under her eyes, the young woman, looking like she was sleep deprived.

"Yeah, thank you. By the way, you should really get some rest, Tracy. You look like a zombie that  has risen from the dead." I replied teasingly, looking down and fixing the ring on my finger. She smiled at me weakly, getting my caramel frappe ready for me in the process. I opened my mouth to  brew up a small conversation, but shook off the thought when I remembered that she's probably not in the mood to speak.

Suddenly, my mind started swirling with worse case scenarios that could happen to my best friend and my family. I started toying with my bottom lip, my patience starting to run thin. I don't want to think negatively, but it always pops up without invitation.

"Here you go, Styles. I promise I'll get some sleep." She said, bringing me back to reality. I smiled at her politely, grabbing the frappe and walked out briskly through the door. I grasped onto the cold cup with one of my hands, the cold substance freezing my slender fingers. Sipping on the cold beverage, I raked my fingers through my hair with my other hand, which is currently unoccupied.

  I continued to nurture on my cold beverage. As I walked down the side walk, my brown boots clinking on the grey, cracked up pavement, my phone started to vibrate zealously in my pocket. I pushed my hand into my pocket of my black skinny jeans, fishing for my phone. Yanking it out, I quickly slid the answer button before the person hands up. I sighed heavily when I heard the voice I was dreading to hear.

"Well, hello Styles." He said, a dark chuckle following after his stupid attempt of conversation. "You know, I could hear you breathing." He added, his voice clearly mixed with irritation and amusement. I threw away the now empty plastic cup, throwing it into the nearest trash. I bit down onto my tongue, keeping it captive, so it won't escape and pelt out words that I would regret later on.

"Hey." I replied monotonously. "What does the manipulative King, would like me to do to serve his Highness?" I taunted, no hint of amusement in my voice, but sarcasm dripping from every word that was released through my lips.

"Ha ha, very funny, servant."  He stated, emphasizing the word servant, irritatingly. "I called to ask why you're so late for your little family, get together?" He teased, purposely saying the last few words in a baby voice, to aggravate me. I bit on to my tongue once again, saving myself from out-lashing at this idiot.

"I'm on my way. Would you like anything else, your Highness?" I asked, my voice coated with pure annoyance. He chuckled, clearly amused that he's getting under my skin.

"No, my favourite peasant. Now on ward! Don't be any later, Styles. Or something unpleasant will happen and you wouldn't like it one bit." He threatened, his voice deep and menacing. The line went dead afterwards.

Chills crawled up and down my spine. My heart started to profusely beat against my chest, trying to jump out of my chest and run away from me, as fast as it can.

I began to do a little jog towards my car, my body acting on its own, as if it was being directed by a person that is handling it with strings. I want nothing to happen to my family, nothing. Especially if it's caused by me. I'll do anything in my will power, to get my family out of this shitty predicament as much as I can. Even if I have to kill people, to end all of this bullshit.

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