Flying Pancakes / 002

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⠀⠀⠀⠀Flying Pancakes


"Where do I sleep?" I asked. We had just finished some rather delicious Kimchi Spaghetti and was ready to go to bed, but no one was really tired. Realisation hit Baekhi.

"What d'you mean?" Baekhyun asked. I turned to him.

"I was using your room this week since it was free," I said sheepishly. He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"You can sleep with me," Baekhi said with a shrug. I nodded.

"Uwah~ Aniya! I have to spend time with you since I just came back! Put on a movie and I gonna make this huge little makeshift bed on the floor and we're going to watch sappy dramas and see who will cry first!" Baekhyun ordered. Baekhi laughed and pulled another shrug.

"Arraseo, Minnie-ah, go make some popcorn, please. I'll get the movie playing," she obliged, smiling towards her brother, who fist-pumped the air.

After making the popcorn, I headed back to the living room. It was completely decked out. A bunch of blankets were on the floor, pillows served as a barrier and head-rests, there was snacks on a giant plate, and a movie was ready to play. Baekhyun had changed into some more comfortable clothes (a simple grey t-shirt and sweatpants) and was busy munching on a bag of (k)ookies while Baekhi was working with the t.v. I plopped myself next to Baekhyun and snatched a cookie from his bag with my ninja skills and shoved it in my mouth. Baekhyun watched my every move with a stare slicing through me. I smiled, a weak, nervous, and a what-the-heck-did-I-just-do kind of smile.

"I know hapkido, Minhai-yah," he said seriously. I laughed nervously.

"Ha..Ha.. is that so? Korean.. martial arts.. Ha..," I stammered. Then, he broke out into a wide grin. I looked at him with question marks floating above my head.

What the heck is up with this guy... I thought. Then, it hit me.

"Oh.. NO, NO, JEBAL, OPPA, NO---" I began screaming, because he lunged at me and attacked me with tickles everywhere. I was releasing pain laughs as unwanted touches forced them out of me.

"YAH! Ha-Hajima, jebal!" I begged, curling into a ball as he laughed evilly above me.

"No! Som-Somebody help!" I wheezed, but he didn't stop despite my ballistic wailing.

"The movies coming on! Oppa, stop attacking Minhai or I will kick you in the face and call rape!" Baekhi threatened. Baekhyun rolled over on his side while laughing as I crawled away in horror.

The eldest of us, Baekhyun, ran up to the light-switch and cut it off before leaping beside me and his sister. We all sat up against giant pillows and were tucked comfortably in blankets. Our hands roamed the plate and grabbed random food, eating aimlessly as we became engulfed in the movie--- which happened to be Titanic. Because it was an American movie and the Byun siblings didn't speak the best English, we put Korean subtitle settings on.

However, that didn't stop them from asking me endless questions on what something meant every 20 minutes. Ah, curse my American roots and ability to speak fluent English. Ha, ha.


"I love you, Jack," Rose said.

"No...don't say your goodbyes, Rose. Don't you give up. Don't do it," Jack replied.

"I'm so cold."

"You're going to get out of're going to go on and you're going to make babies and watch them grow and you're going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here...Not this night. Do you understand me?"

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