The Invitation / 013

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The Invitation


"Hey, Baekhyun oppa!" some perky popular chick named Rae Seok said, completely ignoring Baekhi and I. She began to flirtatiously chat with Baekhyun about God knows what, leaving Baekhi and I to stand in the back awkwardly. It was right before Extra Curriculum class, so we had a little free time before we had to get to our next class.

Ever since the other night, I noticed, Baekhyun was slowly returning to his older self. He was no longer showing tiny weak smiles and barely laughing. He actually looked pretty.. satisfied. He was laughing and more bubbly. I don't know what he did, I didn't have the chance to ask him yet, so it was still a mystery to both me and Baekhi. Either way, I was happy with the change.

Baekhi leaned over next to me as we leaned on the lockers. "Kim Rae Seok is currently Chanyeol's little pet for the week. She's a fourth year, making us her hoobaes and her our sunbaes, but she's as dumb as a brick. She repeated second grade and the only reason she's here is because her father owns the principals wife's company," she explained. I found myself smirking.

"I can always count on Baekhi to give me a full background check on anyone, hmm?" I said to no one I particular. She laughed and rolled her eyes playfully. After about five minutes of leaning casually against the cold lockers while Baekhyun and Rae Seok spoke animatedly, Baekhyun sauntered back to us and we returned to our own conversation.

"So, Baekhyun oppa, what did Rae Seok want?" Baekhi asked, but I could tell from the way her lips were curved that she already had a pretty good idea on what Rae Seok and him spoke about. How, you may ask? Well, I am completely clueless on that part. She's the person that knows everything and anything about everyone and anyone.

"Oh! She just invited me to her birthday party. Wae? Would you like to go? I wasn't planning to, but if you two would want to, I'm fine with that," Baekhyun said, shrugging.

Baekhi looked at me, as if to ask if I would like to go, and I mimicked Baekhyun's shrug. The younger Byun turned to the older.

"Of course we would, oppa," Baekhi answered. He smiled at her.

"Cool. I heard that---" Baekhyun got cut off by the warning bell ringing annoyingly.

"Tell me later, lets get to the last class," Baekhi said, taking Baekhyun's wrists and dragging him to their Extra Curriculum class, cooking and drama, since they were close. I went to the other direction to get to my class, art, while waving bye.


As dismissal rolled around, the Byun siblings and I packed up and walked home. When we were back at the cute little house, Baekhyun glanced at his watch.

"Oh, about Rae Seok's birthday party, its on Friday at eight o'clock. Okay?" he informed us. Baekhi and I nodded at him. After mentioning that he'd be in the shower if they need anything (like I would go there if I needed anything), he disappeared into the corridor and eventually into the bathroom, I guess.

Baekhi and I started talking about random things, I started to speak to her about things she never wished to speak about, she kicked me, the usual. Suddenly, a ringing sound came from her vibrating pocket. She pulled her cellphone (that had a Super Junior case, by the way) from her pocket and accepted the call.

Pressing the device to her face, she answered, "Yeoboseyo?" She listened for a while and nodded (but they could not see that, obviously).

"Ne, ne, ne, ne, manager-nim. Waeyo? Oh, arraseo. Ne, annyeong," she said, then sliding in her back pocket as she stood up. I have her a questioning look, complete with an arched eyebrow in confusion.

"You gotta go?" I questioned. She nodded, going to the coat rack to snag her red mackintosh and putting it on.

While buttoning up her coat, she explained, "Manager-nim needs me. Something about confirming some information personally or some crap like that. I'll be back, peace!"

After throwing up a peace sign, she opened the door and made her way out.

"Make good choices!" I called. I could hear her laugh as she replied with a, "No promises!" And the door closed with a click.

I sat back on the couch in silence, not even the running water of the shower present to make me feel less alone.

Baekhyun must be out the shower, then, I thought, leaning back and closing my eyes. I could almost drifted off into sleep.


Of course, a way to excited young adult busting out of the bathroom and jumping on the couch while attacking me with tickles surely didn't help with that, since you know, it was freaking deadly. Pained laughs escaped my mouth and my eyes flew open, just in time to see a laughing Baekhyun. I curled up and squirmed while he continued to pounce.

"WHAT, BYUN BACON---" I began to shout in between laughter.

"What did you just call me!" he said, tickling me more.

"BAEKHYUN!" I said. I continued to be attacked and even let few profanities escape my mouth. After a while, he rolled of the couch; dying of laughter more than me. I kicked him in side.

"Why! Just why, you meanie!" I accused him of being a meanie for the hundredth time since I've known him and he still had the nerve to laugh in my face annoyingly. My eye twitched.

Once he caught his breath, holding his chest while suppressing the rest of his giggles, he found his voice, "S-Sorry, but that was just hilarious," he said. "You were just like. 'BAEKHYUN! WAEEEE!'," he imitated me, making his voice high and pitchy for the right effect. I slapped his arm.

"I don't sound like that!" I whined, making him laugh again. I stubbornly crossed my arms over my chest and scowled.

"Mian, again, Min-Min~" he said, randomly bringing up a pet name.

"Whatever, Bacon," I muttered. He pouted and tried getting my attention.

"Min-Min~!" he cooed. After several attempts of getting me to look at him, he gave up and layed his head on my lap.

"Oh, what do I do? Min-Min won't talk to me and I'm just so lonely," he said to no one in particular, sighing over-dramatically, "Should I just tickle her again?"

"NO!" I finally spoke, looking down at him. I pinched his cheeks.
"Don't do it!"

He swatted my hands away and sat up beside me. It was quiet for a while. "Hey, Baekhyun?" I asked.

"Did you get her back?"

He new very well that I was talking about Yoora, I could tell by the way his eyes dimmed. However, for the first time since I've seen him think about her, he smiled a smile that was quite happy. He sighed dreamily, throwing his arms on the back of the couch.

"Let me tell you, Min-Min. It was a cold night, the wind blew in my face annoyingly, but I ran. I don't know why, but my heart told me to go to the airport. So I did. I searched frantically, not even sure she was there, and I spotted her red suitcase next to a chair in which she sat on," he began dramatically, "At that time, I couldn't care less about what she did or how she did it. I ran to her and gave her the biggest and most emotional hug ever. She began to cry and started telling me what really happened. But after her continuos apologising, I told her to shut her trap and continued to hug her. Min-Min, all I cared about was her."

I smiled at his little story. "But wait, why was she at the airport?"

"She's going back to Japan for a month to finish her semester," he said. My eyebrows rose, "Oh, so Baekie's into the college noona's, huh?" I teased. He nudged me softly with a blush, "Hajima, Min-Min."

He ruffled my hair and stood up from the couch, dusting off his shirt of nonexistent dirt. "Well, look. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep, okay? Tell Baekhi I said goodnight when she gets back. G'night!"

I laughed just a little.


( total count: 1402 )

[ A/N: ] Anyone else not ready for Big Bang and EXO's comeback? Meee~ Well, here's a new chapter! Enjoy~

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