It's a Deal / 015

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀It's a Deal


"So, just... three rounds all around?" Baekhi said. Everyone agreed and we all sat in a circle on the carpet. We had a empty bottle in the middle because we couldn't agree on which way (counter clockwise or clockwise) we should ask. I sat beside Baekhyun who sat beside Baekhi who sat beside Kai who sat beside Kyungsoo who sat beside Luhan who sat beside Sehun who sat beside Xiumin who said beside Chen who sat beside Chanyeol who sat beside Lay who sat beside Suho who sat beside Tao who sat beside Kris who sat beside me.

"Okay, to make it fair, Baekhi and I go by this rule: If you don't want to do a truth you have to do a dare, and if you don't want to do a dare you have to do a truth. Cool?" Baekhyun explained. We all nodded.

Baekhyun went first. He spinned the bottle and it stopped on Luhan. A wicked smile spread across his face. "Ah, Luhan. I was hoping I'd get to ask you, in particular. Truth or dare?" Luhan took the safe way and chose truth.

"Is it true that you," Baekhyun started, causing everyone to glance at Sehun, "changed into that poofy pink dress before and then changed back into your costume?" Luhan's face turned red all the way up to his ears upon hearing that. "U-Uh, can I choose dare?" he asked.

"I dare you to answer my other question," Baekhyun said slyly. Luhan looked down and said a barely audible, "Yeah." Baekhi, Baekhyun, and I squealed like teenage girls. Well, we were, save Baekhyun, who was a guy. Everyone else clapped and laughed.

"Wow, I can't believe that was you, I thought it was an actual girl!" Baekhi said.

"Okay, your turn, Luhan," I said. The blushing boy weakly spun the bottle, and it landed on Sehun. "C-Can I spin again?" Luhan asked.

"Nope," Sehun said, popping the 'p' with an amused smirk. Avoiding the younger guys eyes, Luhan mumbled, "Truth or dare?"

"Hmm... truth," Sehun chose. While Luhan thought, Baekhi and I were internally screaming with the case of the 'feels'.

"Is it true that you were the one who stole my costume and left me with the dress?" Luhan asked unsurely. Sehun chuckled, "I surely did." There goes us three screaming again. Even a few of the others squealed with us. Wah, I knew it. Sehun was the one who danced with him, too. I think I'm too excited about such a simple act.

It was Sehun's turn to spin the bottle. It stopped and landed sharply on Suho. Sehun dared him to admit he shipped Hunhan. Suho then got Chen to admit that he was the one who turned his suit pink on the day of his job interview. The confessions and dares just got more and more funny until the last round came around.

Baekhyun was spinning the bottle after completing Chanyeol's dare to do the cinnamon challenge (which ended with quite a large mess to clean up later) and it landed on his own sister.

"Truth or dare?" he asked. "Dare," Baekhi chose, breaking her truth streak.

"I dare you to point out the person you are most comfortable with besides Minhai and I," he dared. Baekhi searched the remaining options of people, and her cheeks suddenly tinted pink. She covered her eyes and then pointed at the most obvious answer, Kyungsoo. A bunch of 'oooohs' could he heard, and even Kyungsoo was a little pink.

"I knew it~" I cooed. Baekhi spun the bottle and it landed on me. "Truth or dare?" she asked. I chose dare. "I dare you to dump your head in ice water for one minute without getting up."

After that, my face was numb and my teeth was chattering. They laughed at my odd state. It was my turn to spin the bottle, and it landed on Chanyeol, who chose truth.

"Is it true that you're a player?" I asked. He shrugged, "I guess. Most guys are." I furrowed my eyebrows, "That's pretty sexist, to me," I said. "Why, think you can pull it off?" He asked. I scoffed.

"Of course." He smirked and spun the bottle, and it landed on me. I chose dare again.

"I dare you to be a player for two weeks, starting when we get back to school, since you think you can pull it off. If you can't, you have to jump in that lake near here. If you do, I will," he said. My eyebrow twitched, but I nodded. He held out his hand. "Is that a deal?"

I shook his hand. "It's a deal."

They better get ready, because the only player they'll be seeing is a playgirl.


I don't remember going to sleep, but I did end up waking up.

After the end of the game, they started to leave. Outside in the cold while they waved bye and entered they're cars, they thanked us for the great time and drove away. When they were all gone, we went back inside and changed. Yeah, we were all still in our costumes. I loved my Little Red Riding Hood costume, don't get me wrong. However, it felt good to take a nice shower and get into some comfortable sweat pants and a t-shirt before going to bed. When I was done brushing my teeth, I remember I went to Baekhi's room and layed on the extra mattress with my cozy covers and pillows.

I guess I woke up because of the noise. There was a light still on in the kitchen, so I guess Baekhyun must've gotten hungry. Now that I think about it, I was kind of hungry, too. I crawled out of the blankets and felt the wall to get out. I went down the stairs and went to the kitchen. Sure enough, Baekhyun was there, feasting on ramen noodles.

"Morning," he said. I mumbled something back. Wait, morning? I looked at the clock on the stove and saw that it was indeed morning, 2 a.m. to be exact. I shrugged and dug in the cabinets. After fishing out a tub of strawberry sherbet ice cream and fixing myself a bowl, I sat across from Baekhyun.

"Nice breakfast," he commented. "Thanks." After a while of silent eating, Baekhyun finished and put his bowl in the sink. He sat back down beside me.

"You know, Chanyeol is actually a pretty good guy," he started. "Could you possibly fit in another deal with his?" he asked. I shrugged. "Sure."

"See through the playboy in him."

That was all he said before ruffling my hair and going back to his room.

( total count: 1121 )

[ A/N: ] Okay, firstly, I'd like to apologise for not updating. I went on a trip without wifi >< Second... There isn't one. Okay hope you enjoyed this chapter~ :3

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