Bloody Noses / 22

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Bloody Noses


That morning I woke up and I was no longer outside, but I was in the bed. Chanyeol was no where to be seen, but today we would be leaving early in the morning, so I began to pack up my things.

I went on the bus after we had breakfast, sitting beside Baekhi and Baekhyun again with my duffel bag in my hand as we were dropped off back home.

We got back at about 9:15 a.m. Baekhi and Baekhyun almost immediately crashed on the couch, and I found myself sitting at the kitchen table and thinking about what had happened, bowl of cereal in front of me. Pretty fun, I must say, but I just then remembered exams would be coming in, what, two or less than two weeks? Thankfully we had the next few days out of school to catch up before we would get back on to our normal schedule and than after that have our exams, I wouldn't know how to deal if we had them any sooner.

So after contemplating in my bowl of now soggy cereal and realizing I was never really hungry in the first place after all, I dumped the wasted food and went to go enjoy my own bed. Is it wrong, though, for absentmindedly longing for a lingering scent and feeling I had before we got here?


The next day, Baekhyun an Baekhi suggested we go out to the park before school started again.

"What do you mean, Byuns?" I asked Baekhyun and Baekhi suspiciously, raising a brow. They smiled cheekily, showing nice white teeth.

"Well, it is a lovely day for a walk, right?" Baekhyun said, I shrugged, "Sure, why---" "AND, it would be a shame not to take advantage of such great weather," Baekhi cut me off abruptly.

Baekhyun nodded at her side, "So we will go and spend the day outside and such, kajja!"


How did this even happen? I thought, sitting awkwardly in the grass in the middle of the park with Baekhi and Baekhyun no where to be found. One second, they're chatting on a bench. In another, I'm shoved off the bench and the two siblings vanish.

I pick myself up and dust off my black jeans, only to find my shoe partially off and causing me to tumble back to the grassy ground. I sit up again and aggressively put my red converse back on my foot and over my white socks. As I was muttering threats and curses towards Baekhi and Baekhyun, I stood up and steadied myself. Just as I got my balance completely in control, someone fell on top of me. I was so annoyed I didn't even take notice too the person.

"Oh, come on!" I shouted, "Can't a girl stand for one god forsaken second around here!" I groaned and rolled my eyes, covering my face with my hands. When I move them away, I find myself looking into another pair of wide eyes.

My mind buffered for a few seconds

"WHAT THE ACTUAL---" I started, but Mr. Clumsy placed his hand over my mouth. "Shush!" I just kicked him in the nose, half on accident and half on purpose. He fell backwards in the grass while holding his face in pain. I quickly crawled over to Mr. Clumsy and saw that his nose was bleeding, briefly reminding me of the time the same exact thing happened to Baekhyun when he tried to tickle me.

"Oh, crap crap crap crap, uhh... Alright, c'mom, Mr. Clumsy," I said. I helped him up and slung one of his arms over my shoulder. After maintaining his weight, I began to drag him to the first place I saw--- Min's Bubble Tea. I pushed my free shoulder against the door and made my way inside, managing to get this heavy tall clumsy guy to come along with me. I dropped his sloppily on to a chair as he held his nose in pain with one hand.

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