Loosing Bets and The Jump / 20

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Loosing Bets and The Jump


The fall never came. No, instead a familiar scent engulfed my nose. An all too familiar scent. My eyes, that were squeezed tight, slowly parted to see Park Chanyeol, staring down at me, with Byun Baekhyun right behind him. My heart was no longer racing because of the fall. My stomach felt knotted and I couldn't find the words to say anything to him because holy crap Park Chanyeol saved me from basically breaking my neck. I slowly escaped from his hold, because feeling him breathe down my neck was not as comfortable as it seemed.

"I..I..You-" my stammering was thankfully cut short when Baekhyun decided to interject.

"Yah! Lee Minhai! You know how worried I was? You are so lucky Chanyeol-ssi and I saw you because you could've seriously gotten hurt. You can't just.. aish, never mind. Are you okay?" He said. I smiled shortly, "I'm okay, thank you. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Just be more careful," him and Baekhi synchronized, both hitting me on both of my arms. I winced but dealt with it, I kind of deserved it, heh. I sighed heavily, watching a group catch the clue that I almost had but dropped and let float in the air. I bet that was their last clue, which means Baekhi and I lost.

Just then I noticed the other three (aka Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Baekhi) leaving me behind. I jogged up right behind Chanyeol, but my stomach automatically knotted up again and my hands got shaky. But seriously, what in the world is happening to me? After I made a U-turn around them to stand beside Baekhi, I thought about it, determined to figure out what was so special about Chanyeol that even walking up behind him made me feel as if I committed some sort of crime?

Cht, I must be going crazy.


After the winners were announced, they got some kind of prize and I left to sulk as the camp leader made another few announcements. Baekhyun and Chanyeol had to go to the boy's bleachers, so when we left, Baekhi and I couldn't find them amongst the crowd. The students had a choice of either going for the hike or to the lake, but surprisingly, a lot of people went hiking. Baekhi and I chose to go to the lake. We walked up the little bridge and leaned on the edge, admiring the view. It looked really nice, because the sun was slowly sinking in the sky and the colors of the soon-to-be sunset were beginning to form, creating a exquisite sight to admire any day.

"Minnie-ah, you know you're really obvious, right? And dense," Baekhi randomly commented, leaving me clueless. I looked at her, who was still examining the details of the lake, which was actually not a too far drop down from the looks of it.

"The heck's that supposed to mean?" I asked. Baekhi finally turned to me, a small smile lingering on her lips until she softly laughed, giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. I gagged and wiped her germs of my face as she busted out laughing. Soon, I was laughing, too.

Our laughs were cut short when he heard hoots and hollering and a bunch of splashes from the bottom. Both Baekhi and I leaned down and saw twelve dudes jumping into the lake water. Baekhi noticed it first that it was actually them, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Suho, Sehun, Kai, Tao, Lay, Kris, Luhan, Minseok, and Chen. Then, Baekhyun spotted us from the short distance we were at.

"Wah, it's you guys!" he said, than started to wave in a quite overly dramatic way at us. The other eleven noticed and did the same thing before all of them started stampeding up the bridge and greeted us with their clothe soaked selves. A few of them had disregarded the shirts at the bottom and everyone else decided to leave their shirts on, but Baekhi and I weren't worried about that.

"Are you guys gonna come down into the water with us?" Minseok asked, shaking his wet hair slightly. The others then prodded by doing the same thing, most likely tuning out our doubtful, 'Umm....'s. Baekhi finally gave in with a, "What the heck, why not,' but I continued to refuse to budge.

"Wait," Kris said. Everyone immediately shut up, turning to him. "Why are you looking at me?" he asked. We groaned, and I could sense the mental facepalms everyone was pulling.


"So, Minhai lost the bet?"

"Of course she did. For the entire trip so far, she didn't play anyone."

I completely forgot about the stupid but very serious deal.

"It's been two weeks already?"

Is that my ray of sunshine peeking from the dark clouds?

"I dunno. Does it matter? I just want to see her jump."

Thanks a lot.

"Then that's it, she lost and Chanyeol won?"

"I guess. Now she doesn't have a choice but to jump."

The evil snickering echoed in my ears. I lost the bet... oops?

"Minhai-yah, get ready!"

I sigh, then taking off my shoes and my shirt (don't worry I have an undershirt on you perverted byuntaes), shivering from the cold that suddenly slapped me in the face. I heard whoops and hollers as I climbed on the rail.

"Oh yeah~ She's showing some skin!" A few voices came out over the whoops. I looked back and smiled ever so sweetly, flashing my middle finger at them before looking back. I inhaled, suddenly realizing how stupid this looks that it was funny, and exhaled.

Then I jumped.

I felt the wind through my hair and a scream escape my lips as I sank to the water, ignoring the sting as I landed. I felt the even colder water finally reach me as I swam back to the surface, gasping for a breath and than hearing more whoops and cheers. Then, more of the shouts came closer, until all thirteen of them jumped along after me.

Just a bunch of kids enjoying the moment.

word count: 1023

[A/N]: Yep, another update that's still pretty late. No worries, though, I'll be doing another update soon ^_^


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