🔹- Assault

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⚠️ Warning: This chapter contains sexual harassment/assault ! Viewer discretion is advised. ⚠️


At the end of the first quarter, the school would throw a party. This party was actually not a part of the school's recreations, in fact, the students held it, unbeknownst to the faculty members at the school. These parties were used as opportunities. Opportunities to drink without consequences, have sex without consequences, cheat on future tests without consequences, all of the above.

I wasn't a big party girl. I'd rather stay at home where I know my drink won't get spiked, where everything was safe. But, everyone and I mean everyone had basically invited me. I didn't even know half of the people who'd gotten access to my email address, my instagram, my twitter, or any of my socials. For some odd reason, I was popular around here, which was suspicious to me. Being popular made me feel like a target, and hell, maybe I was.

I honestly didn't really want to go to this party. The season premiere of one of my favorite shows was premiering tonight, and I really didn't want to miss it. Why? Well, because people like to talk. Not even five minutes into the show and there's already edits on TikTok of a scene from the new episode. But, I didn't want to seem boring either. Alyxe told me he was going to stay at home and study. When I told him that I was going to go to the party, he basically gave me a lecture on why I shouldn't go to the party. But, I reassured him that I'd be fine.

What do I even wear to an "End of the quarter," party? A dress? Well, I mean I could, but I'm not trying to draw that much attention to myself. In fact, I don't want any attention being drawn to me tonight.

Sighing, I decided to take a shower while my mind organized outfit options. As I waited for the water to warm up, my phone dinged. I looked at my notifications to see a text from Alyxe.

My Favorite Shyboy

M: Be careful tonight, okay? And
If something goes wrong, you know
You can call me right?

A: Yes, Lyxe. I know. I'll be fine.

A: If you're so worried, why don't you
Just come with me?

M: I would, but I absolutely
hate parties, Annie.

A: I'm not the biggest fan
of them either, but it doesn't
hurt to have fun sometimes.

M: I'll think about it, Annie.
But, please be careful. Text
me if you need me.

I smiled at his text and placed my phone down on the counter. The water was finally to my liking, so, I stepped into the shower and began cleaning my body.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I'd finally decided on an outfit and there was no turning back now. I'd hate to show up late to the party, but, I at least wanted to be fashionably late.

I reached into my closet and pulled out my long sleeved, oversized college sweatshirt. It was supposed to be chilly tonight and I wasn't really looking to get sick. I reached into my drawer and grabbed a black thong, then another to grab my black leggings. Placing the items on my body, I immediately felt warm. I decided to wear my White Air Forces.

As I was about to step out of my door, I heard a noise down the hall. It was almost likely a gunshot. I hated the sound of guns, they triggered my PTSD. I'd had bad experiences growing up and most of them involved the use of a gun.

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