✮4. Safe not sound✮

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Yara and I screamed at the top of our lungs. I frantically started to turn the key around while Yara generously helped me by hyperventilating and tugging on my sleeve. "DRIVE, DIANA!", she yelled. "I'M TRYING!", I yelled back in return. I have never told anyone about this, but I had failed by driver's test. Twice. Best not to bring it up at the moment, I thought. 

Finally, the car started and I pressed the on accelerator with full force. The car zoomed through the streets, and my heart-beat became rapid when I couldn't see where I was going due to the man blocking the windshield. 

The man was held on to the car as if he had glue on his hands. He was growling and banging the windshield with his hands, leaving bloody imprints. I tried swerving the car side-to-side in hopes of getting him off but he wasn't budging at all. 

I zoomed past cars on fire, dead bodies and mobs of people, running away from the ones trying to eat them. I had no sense of direction on where I was going. Everything around me felt some kind of fever dream. 

"WHY IS HE NOT FALLING OFF?!", Yara screamed frustratingly. "I DON'T KNOW, WHY DON'T YOU ASK HIM?", I replied sarcastically. I made a sharp left turn when I completely lost the control of the car and crashed into a fire hydrant. Fortunately, the major jolt caused the man to fly off from the car, right into the hydrant, smashing his head into a billion pieces. 

I was breathing heavily, my heart beat faster than a bullet train. We sat in the car for what seemed like ages, trying to understand what had just happened. Had I just killed two men in a row?  

Yara desperately opened the passenger door, and as soon as she hit the ground, she threw up. I quickly got out and sat down on the pavement, putting my head to my knees. I was shaking. What the hell were those things? I took deep breaths, counted from 10 to 1 and wiggled my fingers and toes. These exercises helped me with my panic attacks and I felt I was going through ten of them at that moment. 

Yara had finally gotten up and was wiping her mouth with her sleeve. She reached into the car for a bottle of water and drank some of it. She offered it to me next while sitting down next to me. I took the bottle and instead of drinking it, I poured it on my burning face. 

"What the hell were those?", Yara asked in a hushed voice while anxiously looking around the empty street we were in. "Definitely not human, that's for sure.", I answered. After a minute or two of silence, Yara finally spoke up, "We aren't safe here." "No shit, Sherlock", I said bluntly. I'm sorry, sarcasm is my only weapon when things are out of control. "No, I meant we should get shelter", she responded. I nodded and got up. I looked around where we were. Surprisingly, there was no sign of chaos here, though the air was filled ash and the sounds we heard were  of distant sirens, screams and honks of cars. 

Yara picked up a bag full of hockey sticks in the car. She handed one to me while she took one of the others. "For safety", she breathed. We made our way into a narrow apartment complex. 

You would think that this is a stupid move and I wholeheartedly agree, but we were desperate for shelter. We climbed up the red-bricked complex, trying to make as little noise as we could. Every door we came across was closed until we reached the 4th floor. 

The door was slightly open and the sound that was coming from inside it was of television. 

Keeping our hockey sticks in position, in order to strike at cue, I creaked open the door slowly. No one was inside it. It was a three room apartment, one being the bedroom while the other were the kitchen and toilet. We looked around the apartment, to find all kitchen cabinets open, with only a little cans of food left. 

The lights were still on, and it looked as if a robbery had just taken place. It did not feel morally right to be in someone else's apartment, looking through their stuff but then again, I had just killed to men so I definitely can't speak on morals. 

"Should we be doing this?", Yara whispered. "Let's just stay here until we get and idea of what's going on, ok?", I stated. "This doesn't give me a good feeling at all. I think we should just stay in the car or some store at least", Yara protested. "Yep and wait for those things to come and kill us, huh?", I said frustratingly, making her frown. I sighed and turned to face her, "Look, our top priority is to be safe right now and you saw what's out there. Just trust me on this." The place felt uneasy. 

There were all sorts of things laying on the floor, ranging from khaki shorts and dry shampoo to even broken-frame family pictures.  Wait, khaki shorts and dry shampoo?

I slowly bent down to pick up the family photo, to find none other than Dirk McAllister's smug face, smiling up at me.  

A/N- I'm sorry I won't be bugging you again with notes anymore, this is the last one. I just wanted to ask if anyone had any suggestions for the cast? OR should I leave it up to your imaginations on what the characters might look like. Lmk in the comments!

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