✮5. Emotional overload✮

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We were in Dirk McAllister's apartment. The same Dirk we saw getting murdered. I don't even feel like calling him Jerk McAllister anymore. 

"Oh my God, we're in his apartment", Yara exclaimed, looking over my shoulder at the picture. "Ya, good eye", I said. "W-we can't stay here at a-all, let's go", Yara said breathlessly, getting her hockey stick in position once more. "We have to. like I said, we need shelter and security and we're getting both", I tried to convince her. "It just doesn't feel comfortable being here", Yara muttered, a tear falling down her eye. I would've called her overly sensitive and emotional in any other situation but now I can't even blame her. 

Imagine being in your one-sided lover's apartment, a merely 30 minutes after you watched him die. I went over to Yara and pulled her in for a comforting hug, "I know, but we have no choice. Every other apartment's door wasn't open and I don't wanna open em and who knows what's it like out there." She finally nodded, wiping her tear. 

I locked the door after which my attention finally came on to the T.V. "...Our reports do tell us about a virus, suspected of emerging from Wilson Pharmaceutical center, that has turned people into cannabalistic monsters. We advice you to lock your doors and stay alert for any government rescue operations that may be happening near you. Do not approach anyone with signs of violent coughs and shakes or the most definite feature, grey, red rimmed eyes. People are calling the infected, "the undead". I repeat, do not approach-", just then the T.V switched off, along with all the lights in Dirk's house. 

"A power cut, great", I said while falling down on the couch. Yara went over to the kitchen counter and poured herself a drink of water. She came over to me before glancing at a picture of a happy Dirk with his mom and dad. 

We sat a few minutes in silence, sharing a few quick grim glances at one another. "I think we should sleep", I said, while taking my jacket off. I turned towards his bedroom, which comprised of twin beds, I don't know why since Dirk lived alone. It didn't feel great but I'm the kind of person to look at rationality before emotions while Yara's the complete opposite. Don't get me wrong, she's a complete badass but she cares about feelings a lot too. 

I stopped when I saw that Yara wasn't following me. She was hesitating. I understood the situation and told her, "You can sleep on the couch if you want, it's no big deal." She smiled at me and went over to the couch to sleep. 

I headed into Dirk's room. Dirk's room. Sounds weird. I rested the hockey stick near my bed and looked around the room. His desk was cluttered with crumbled up paper and tons of pens, when my attention was brought to a neatly written letter, in red ink. It's none of my business, I thought. As I was turning away, I accidently read the name it was addressed to. Yara Afri. Ok, now it was my business. The letter read-

Dear Yara, 

I'm writing this letter to confess my love to you. I was gonna give it to you yesterday at college but if only your bozo friend, Everdeen, hadn't taken you away. Anyway, I know I act like a jerk and all but I actually really like you. I just don't know how to say it without being dumb and insulting. So, I'm writing this to you. 

It's cheesy, I know but I fell for you ever since I laid my eyes on you and instead of going over and saying, "Hey, my name is Dirk, nice to meet you", I said(with a wink), "Damn, beautiful", which of course rubbed you the wrong way. I regret it ever since but I promise you I won't be Jerk McAllister (as your stupid friend calls me) anymore . I swear I wanna change and be a better person for an incredibly smart and humble woman like you. Ah, this is so cringe, I'm sorry, I've never done this before. I'll even try to get along with Everdeen. Just let me take you out on a coffee date and prove to you that I may be worth it. 

I'll await your answer and I won't bother you if you say no. 

Yours truly,

Dirk (p.s-don't let Everdeen read this)

My mind was completely blank. I had no words. All that flirting, flexing and jerky behavior just because he couldn't ask her out like a normal person? 

He actually, truly did like her. Loved her, even. The reason he acted like a dumb middle school boy wasn't because he had the mentality of one (as I always thought) it  because he wanted Yara to like him but didn't know how to talk to her about it. Most importantly, he was aware of the nickname I gave him which made my eyes tear up with sadness and the sense of fulfillment. 

There was no way I was gonna let Yara read this. She would turn into an emotional train wreck. I quickly and carefully put the letter in my jacket pocket (I wanted to have at least a good memory of him) and went over to sleep on one of the beds. As much as I wanted to cry, I had to be strong. For Yara as well as my sanity. 

Fast forward to 4:00 a.m. I heard a soft mourning coming from the living room. I went over to see Yara standing near the window, crying in a hushed manner. I felt so sorry for her. I went over to her and wrapped my arm around her. She gently laid her head on my shoulder, still crying. 

It was such a big sister moment for me. Now I was the one who offered her a shoulder to cry on. "Will it be okay?", Yara asked me in a trembling voice. I did not know how to answer, but things were looking grim. However, for once I let my emotions lead me instead of rationality. 

"Of course, I promise."

𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦Where stories live. Discover now