Duty Bound

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Authors note: Bold, italicized, and underlined text is when Lucifer is angry.

Bold text if what is firmly stated.

Lucifer: "BEELZEBUB...! Were you hiding this angel in your room? Did you allow him access to the House of Lamentation? This angel who would try to steal that grimoire...?" 

Luke: "You-you've got it all wrong! I wasn't trying to steal it at-" 

Mammon: "Hey, idiot! This ain't no time to be makin' excuses! Once Lucifer flips out, it's no use tryin' to stop him! I mean, there's one guy who could do it, but-" 

Lucifer: "You two better be ready to face the consequences...!"

Beel: "...!" 

Luke gasps.

Y/n steps in and shields both of the the best a 4'11" (1.5 meters) child could. 

Mammon: "Y/n?!" 

Lucifer: "Out of the way, human! Or do you wan't to die here?!" 

Y/n: "No." 

Beel: "Stop it, Y/n...!" 

Mammon: "C'mon, this is serious! He's gonna kill you for real!" 

Lucifer: "A human child risking so much to defend a demon and an angel...how very interesting. Well, if you want to be a hero, you're going to have to choose one of them to save. Beelzebub or Luke. It's one or the other. Make your choice!"

 Y/n: Lucifer says I can only save either Beelzebub or Luke... "No. I want to save both." 

Beel: "..." 

Luke: "Y/n..." 

Lucifer: "What's that now? You want to save both...? Do you actually think I'm going to allow a lowly human that choice!? THAT YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER IT IS YOU WANT?! NO...!" 

Y/n: "There's a third choice you're forgetting."

Lucifer: Forgetting?! Forgetting! What do you think I'm forgetting?

Y/n: "I stay here forever and Beel and Luke leave alive. I'm not letting you kill a child for a silly mistake! And Beel did nothing wrong taking in a child that needed help! As long as they're innocent I will protect them." Like my twin did. I'm stronger than then, I'm smarter! I can do it just like him! I won't fail this time. I won't let you down!

Lucifer lunges.

Y/n: ...! 

~It all goes black~

???: "Y/n...Come back to me, Y/n." 

Y/n slowly wakes up in Beel's room. 

Beel: "...Y/n. You're awake. I've been here watching you. I thought you might never wake up, since humans are so fragile and all. I'm really glad you're awake again. Do you remember what happened? You made Lucifer really mad when you stepped in to protect Luke and me. You almost got killed. If Lord Diavolo hadn't come running up, you'd be dead right now, you know, Lord Diavolo managed to stop Lucifer. You saw how Lucifer looked back then, and yet you still stepped in front of me and spread your arms to block him. It was your death wish. You need to go to Lord Diavolo and thank him for saving your life."

Y/n: "Were you hurt?" 

Beel: "No, I wasn't hurt at all. But is this really the time to be worrying about me? You almost died, you know. A human stepping in to shield a demon from harm. I've never heard of anything like that before. As for Luke, Simeon came and took him back to Purgatory Hall. He was pretty shaken up after what he had experienced. Luke didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one to blame here. I'm the one who hid him in my room, I'm the reason he disappeared. I'm the one who failed to calm Lucifer down and ended up putting you in danger... All of that was my fault. When you stepped in to shield me from Lucifer, I was pretty shocked. I mean, why would you go to those lengths? You're not a demon or an angel, and you're not even someone with powerful magic. You're just a regular human. So why...why did you try to protect Luke and me?" 

Y/n: "Firstly, it wasn't your fault."

Beel: "But-"

Y/n: "It isn't your fault. I knew what I was getting into. Beel, I wasn't about to let either of you die, because you're my friends, and you're important to me." 

 Beel: "So...I'm your friend. Ah... As I watched you there sleeping and looked at your face, I couldn't help wondering...If the situation had been reversed, would I have stepped in to defend you? I want to do something to make it up to you-to thank you for saving me. So, is there anything I can do?" 

Y/n: "Hmmmm. What about a pact?" 

Beel: "So, you've made pacts with Mammon --"

Y/n: "Leviathan forced me into that."

Beel: "-and Leviathan--"

Y/n: "I wanted to borrow something of his."

Beel: "--and now you want one with me. Why are you so interested in making pacts with demons? I want to know why you want to make a pact with me. Let's hear it."

~Eight flashbacks later~ 

Y/n: "I want LuLu to respect me." 

Beel: "Why?" Y/n: "So that he'll let me help him make up with Belphegor!"

Beel: "So, by making pacts with us you hope to impress Lucifer? So that he'll understand that you're actually someone worth listening to, despite the fact that you're human? You want to do what even Solomon hasn't even been able to accomplish, despite you being 10. All right. I feel the same way. I want Belphegor and Lucifer to make up, too. So I'll do it. I'll make a pact with you, Y/n.

Y/n: "Beelzebub, I understand your pain more than you think."

Beel: "Huh?"

Y/n looks out the window and smiles at the sky.

Y/n: "I was a twin."

Beel looks at her.

Y/n: "And he was my better half."

Beel: "Do you miss him while being here?"

Y/n looks at Beel and gives him a sad smile.

Y/n: "I miss him every day. If you ever need anyone to talk to about Belphegor I'm always here. It's tough to not be with your twin."

Beel took the hint and dropped the topic letting the room go into a comfortable silence leaving the two to their thoughts.


Lucifer: "I'm sorry, Diavolo. I was so blinded by rage that I lost control of myself. If I'd actually attacked Y/n, then the entire exchange program would've ended in disaster. I'm grateful you showed up to stop me. Thank you." 

Diavolo: "...Well, it was an understandable reaction on your part. As demons, everything that we are rides on that grimoire. If it had been stolen, that would've been a disaster as well. You were trying to protect your brothers, weren't you?" 

Lucifer: "Perhaps, but I nearly ended up losing one of them in the process...Beel." 

Diavolo: "I know how important your brothers are to you, Lucifer, how much you care. And if they can see that as well, if they understand it-then that's a good thing. However..." 

Lucifer: "..." 

Diavolo: "You said something to Y/n back there. 'Do you actually think I'm going to allow a lowly human that choice? That you can have whatever it is you want? No...' You're loyalty to me, your brothers' freedom, their right to know what's really going on... You place so much importance on all these things. So I wonder, who is it that really isn't suffering from a lack of options? What do you think, Lucifer?" 

Lucifer: "..."

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