Looks can be Deceiving

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Y/n knocks on Satan's door.

Satan: "Come in."

Y/n goes into his room.

Satan: "...Ah, Y/n. It's you. Did someone tell you to come here to stop me? Because if so, you're wasting your time. Although, none of those guys would send you here to stop me. They all think it's funny. Anyway, I'm trying to decide which of my books to take with me since I couldn't possibly take all of them. So, are you interested in books?"

Y/n: "Yes."

Satan: "Huh... I guess you're not so bad after all. Hey, watch your step. A lot of my most precious books and documents are over there. Every one of the books in this room belongs to me. They're all part of my collection. That shelf there is full of books having to do with magic. And these are all ancient manuscripts. Here we have astronomy and physics. And that right there... whoa, be careful with that. Actually, don't even touch it. That's a forbidden book... if two or more people touch it, they'll switch bodies. ...Books are knowledge, and all of the knowledge from these books, it's all inside of me. Knowledge is power. People respect someone who's well-informed. No matter, who you are, no matter the circumstances..."

Y/n tunes Satan out as she thinks of a way to talk to him.

Satan: "But whatever. Come on, let's make a pact. That's why you're here, right?? Well, I said I'd do it, so I will."

Y/n: "I'm not making a pact with you. 

Satan: "...What did you say? I told you--"

Y/n: "Not because I don't want to, but because I don't feel comfortable taking advantage of the situation earlier. I also don't feel comfortable taking advantage of your reasoning for making a pact that you will most likely regret later on. I'm simply proposing that we postpone making the pact until we are both comfortable with it and know we won't regret it. Things done on a whim with flimsy reasoning tend to flop."

Satan: "I suppose that is a fair reason. Although, we could always break it."

Y/n: "It'd still be unfair to you because that would most likely leave feelings of resentment. I would prefer to wait until we're both in a calm state of mind."

Satan: "So, you're not saying no but asking to wait for it."

Y/n: "Yes I'm sorry if it's-"

Satan suddenly pats her head causing Y/n's eyes to widen.

Satan: "You're pretty smart for a ten-year-old."

Lucifer and Satan get into an argument.

Y/n: "Satan."

Satan: "Not now, Y/n."

Y/n: "The Forbidden Book-"

Lucifer stay out of this, Y/n."

Y/n: "It's right-"

They both end up touching the forbidden book.

Lucifer (?): "...!"

Satan (?): "Gr..."

Lucifer (?): "What's going on...? That flash of light...what was it...?"

Y/n: "--There."

Satan (?): "What?"

Y/n: "I was trying to tell you that you both were about to touch the forbidden book."

Satan (?): "No, it can't be...!"

Lucifer and Satan go through a state of confusion.

Y/n groans.

Asmodeus: "Whoa, slow down a second. So, you're telling me that Satan here is actually Lucifer on the inside, an Lucifer is Satan on the inside?!"

Beel: "...For real?"

Mammon: "No way...!"

Leviathan: "Eh."

The brothers argue and eventually come to the conclusion that they'd stay in Y/n's room.

Y/n: "Damn it."

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