Who's the liar here?

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Beel: "..." 

Lucifer: "..." 

Mammon: "..." 

Asmo: "...Aw, normally everyone's so happy and full of energy at breakfast. But things are sooo tense today!" 

Satan: "After hearing what happened last night. I'm not surprised." 

Asmo: "How about you, Levi? You weren't involved in the drama at all?" 

Levi: "I haven't left my room in three days..." 

Satan: "So you're playing yet another game with inappropriate themes..." 

Y/n tunes out the demon brothers. Y/n goes to head off to class. 

Lucifer: "Y/n. Would you come to see me in the music room before heading to class?" 

Y/n: "Okay." 

Lucifer: "I'll be there waiting for you." 

Asmo: "Ooh, Lucifer wants to see Y/n. Yikes! Super scary!" 

Satan: "Pff... Careful Asmodeus. He might hear you." 

Y/n: Why are the three demons I've made pacts with staring at me with that worried look. Maybe one of them could accompany me for the walk. "Beel, come with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." 

Beel: "All right. This is as far as I can go with you. I don't know what Lucifer wants, but I sure hope it doesn't turn out to be bad news for you. Don't go dying on me, okay?" 

~Music room~

Lucifer: "Ah, you're here. I assume you know what it is I want to talk to you about. It's regarding last night. What I did to you was inexcusable. I apologize. However, there is one thing I want to make absolutely clear. As long as they consent to it, I have no problem with you making pacts with my brothers. However, your curiosity is getting the better of you. I want you to stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. I believe I warned you not to climb the stairs leading up to the attic. And yet you did exactly that." 

Y/n: "I climbed the railing. I don't remember you saying that was forbidden." 

Lucifer: "Please refrain from using any loopholes in the future."

Y/n: "If you don't want me using loopholes then don't make loopholes!"

Lucifer grits his teeth.

Lucifer: "I'm the only demon able to go up there. There's a spell cast on the stairs that ensures that. However, it only works on demons-humans, and angels are still able to pass. Unfortunately. As I'm sure you've found, there's nothing at the top of those stairs." 

Y/n: Should I tell him about that liar, Belphegor, I came in contact with? 

Y/n spaces out for the rest of Lucifer's talk.

~At RAD~

Mammon: "Hey, how about that! Y/n, you are alive!" 

Beel: "Let's see...yep, you've got both arms and legs. Your eyes are in their sockets, and your ears are still attached. Guess you're okay." 

Levi: "I want to know what Lucifer did. You've got to give me the deets L-8-R, yo!" 

Mammon: *Rants about Levi* 

Asmo: "What you're still alive that's boring-" 

Y/n: "I'll take that personally and when I die I'm going to come back from the afterlife and make sure to never let you have another beauty product again for the rest of your life." 

Asmo: "I take it back! I take it back!"

Satan: "Of course, Asmodeus. Unless he went crazy again like last night. Lucifer would never harm Y/n. And do you know why, Y/n?" 

Y/n: "Because I'm an exchange student." 

Satan: "Exactly. I see you have a good grasp of what's going on. If anything happens to one of our exchange students, it would make Lord Diavolo look bad. Lucifer would never do anything to harm Lord Diavolo's reputation." 

Asmo: "Ooh...speak of the devil! Lord Diavolo and Lucifer just showed up." 

Diavolo: "Well, it seems that everyone's here. Shall we get started, Lucifer?" 

Y/n: *To satan* (Whispering) "Is Lulu Dia's secretary?" 

Satan coughs to cover a snort. 

Satan: *Whisper* "Continue to contribute to Lucifer's pride destruction." 

Lucifer: "All right, I'm going to go ahead and call this officers' meeting to order. To start things off, Lord Diavolo has an announcement for us." 

Diavolo: "Yes. Well then, I assume that some of you have already heard the rumors about the group retreat. And they are true. I'm planning an exchange party between demons, angels, and humans to be held at my castle. I have a feeling that this will be quite an interesting experience for all of us."

Y/n blinks.

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