Prologue - The Music Club

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Flashback - a year ago

Your POV

Hey, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I have a strong passion for playing the keyboard. I even had a toy keyboard when I was five years old. And when I first started junior high, my parents went out of their way to get me an actual keyboard, and signed me up for piano lessons just to see if I would get into it. Luckily for them, it worked, and it made me want to try out for the music club at high school.

The music club here only has four members. The only thing that they're missing is a keyboardist. I heard that the club conducts tryouts to determine its members, and after playing on the keyboard for so many years, I think I am ready to test my luck.

"Excuse me..." I began as I entered the club room. "is this where the music club meets?"

"It is." Came a reply.

The one who replied was Jin. He and I are in the same class, but we don't talk to each other that much. I heard he is the guitarist of the club, and with him is Kengo, the drummer.

"Are you hoping to try out or something?" Kengo asked.

"Yeah. I heard you guys needed a keyboardist, and... I thought I could fill that position if it's okay."

Jin and Kengo looked at each other as another person came into the room.

"Gentlemen, who is this?"

I turned around. Standing behind me was Aki, she's my senpai, and the vocalist of the club. I even heard from the other students that she is the scariest senpai we have.

"Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I was hoping I can tryout for the music club, as a keyboardist." I said.

"Not happening." Aki coldly replied.

"Huh? Why not?" I asked.

"Because you don't look like the type of person who plays the keyboard." Aki replied again.

Jin and Kengo were quick to defend me.

"Come on, Aki-senpai, at least give him a chance." Jin said.

"Besides, you haven't given the other members who tried out a chance, so why not let him try out?" Kengo asked.

"Because those other members didn't make the cut, and I can tell that this one will be no different." Aki explained as she gave me a cold glare that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Now now, I'd say we should give him a chance." An unknown voice chimed in as they entered the room.

That voice came from Sayaka. She is another one of my senpai, and she is the nicest senpai you'll ever meet.

"But Sayaka-san, why should we?" Aki asked.

"Because..." Sayaka began as she focused her attention on me. "I can see the potential in this one. I think he has what it takes to become our final member."

"You think so, huh?"

Aki looked at me before letting out a sigh.

"Fine. You can tryout." She said.


"Yeah, but you only get one chance!"

"Thank you! I promise I won't blow it!"

Aki pulled out a spare keyboard for me to use. She got it set up for me and took her seat next to the other members.

"Here's the deal." Aki began. "You play one song, and it has to impress all of us. If you're able do well, then you're in the club."

"Got it." I said as I put on my game face.

"Best of luck!" Sayaka called out.

I took a moment to decide what song I want to do. This is my one chance, and I don't want to mess it up. After deciding what song to do, I took a deep breath, and started playing. My eyes were glued to the keyboard. I didn't look at Aki and the other members, so I couldn't tell what their expressions were.

After a few minutes, I stopped playing the song and looked up. Everyone had mutual expressions, which made me feel a bit uneasy.

"Well, how did I do?" I asked.

"I thought you did a wonderful." Jin said.

"Yeah. Hearing that song made me feel relaxed." Kengo said.

"It melted my heart, and I'm sure it melted Aki-chan's heart as well." Sayaka said as she glances over at the club leader.

Aki looked like she was going to cry.

"That song..."


"I remember my grandma would see sing me that song when I was a little girl." Aki said as she began to wipe her tears away.

"I take it you liked it?" I asked.

"Yes, and because of that, we welcome you to our club." Aki added with a smile.

Is this actually happening? Am I actually a member of the music club? This is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. The others began to open up to me, and I started thinking of this has a second home.

To be continued

A/N: Hello, everyone. Welcome to My Beautiful Tsundere. Hoped you guys enjoyed the prologue. This is the last new book for a while, and I hope you guys are looking forward for what I have planned for this book. 

See you in the next chapter, and have a good one. :)

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