Get the thing away from me!

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Sinister Six Group Chat:

Kraven: I have somene saying they got a spider and need some help to handle it.

Beetle: A spider?

Electro: Ahh just kill it.

Lizard: Kill-sssss!

Rhino: Just smash it.

DocOC: And who is that someone?

Kraven: Loki.

DocOC: It seems he then means our dear friend.

Kraven: He says he needs someone to keep watch on the spider for 3 hours without killing him and he would compensate.

Beetle: What compensation?

Kraven: Asgard weapons.

DocOC: Agree to it.

Electro: Are you sure about this?

Lizard: He is-sssss not that dumb.

Electro: Dude do you really have to make the sssss sound in text?

Lizard: You have a poblem with this-sssss?

Rhino: We could play with him.

DocOC: And the only thing he said was not to kill the spider?

Kraven: That is what Loki said.

Beetle: How hard can it be to take care of this kid?

Rhino: Apparently much.

DocOc: Ohh we will just strap him down and make some experiences with him.

Kraven: So this is a yes?

Lizard: Yes-ssss-

Electro: Oh hell yeah! Some payback time.

time skip brought to you by a Spidey who made everyone run for their money while destroying everything and have his own definition of fun

Beetle: FUCK! Where is the Spider?

Lizard: AAHH-SSSS! He is on the ceiling....

Rhino: Not anymore.

Electro: And you asid how hard can this be?

DocOC: IF you had strapped him like I said then we wouldn't have this problem now!

Kraven: Was his costume always this black?

Beetle: No. He came with a red and blue one... How damn filthy are we living.

Electro: You really questioning this now?

Lizard: More problems!

DocOC: How long till that trixer comes back?

Beetle: It's just 30 minutes that we have him.

DocOC: Fuck this shit! Get him out of here.

Kraven: Ahh he is just a small spider what can he do?

Electro: How about split us all apart and make him search for him?

Rhino: Oop I found hi-

Rhino went offline.

Electro: What just happened? I heard Rhino's scream!

Beetle: He found the damn Spider.

Lizard: I am going to check-sss!

Lizard went offline.

Electro: Is this really a good idea?

Beetle: Don't know.

Krave: What can go wrong? He is on his own.

Elecro: How about the guy always beats our asses?

DocOC: He is in the facility. Now find them you useless bunch of idiots.

Beetle: Found him

Beetle went offline.

DocOC: Okay I don't care about the asgard tech get Loki into the chat right now!

Krave added Loki to the chat.

Loki: *Sigh* Why am I here?

Krave: You send us this Spider to take care of?

Loki: Yes for 3 hours, so?


Loki: Aww it don't bite!

DocOC: YES IT DO!!!!

Loki: Fine! 

Loki went offline

3rd POV:

Loki just wanted to have a groupe of villain take care of that Spider because he had to make sure his brother wouldn't just come after him. He had to hide his tracks and find a place he could stay with the spider without the kid constantly touching everything and endangering their lives.

Little did he expect them to strap him on a table or that the Spider would escape and knock down a black liquid which got stuck on himself. Well let's just say this newly found black spider sure had a grudge against the sinister six and made half of them fear him before Loki got the kid away from them.

Get the kid away from me!... No never mind! (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now