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Lunch time at school and Lia never bothered lining up to buy her lunch since she's always bringing lunch her mom cooked for her. Ever since she's alone she never lined up for canteen. And being alone means, not having him to go with her anymore.

Seems dramatic for a seventeen, turning eighteen in the next two months, woman who, for the sake of a ring and freaking promise, distant herself to friends. Knowing they'll leave you in the end. She hates connection like she hates her lunch not being cooked by her mom.

"Nathalia!" A familiar, male voice across the hall called her.

Lia cursed under her breath and shut her eyes tightly, trying to control her patience, as the man, who was born with the loudest voice but the smallest brain, walked to her table with his tray on both of his hands. Ryan Yee.

"Hey. I was looking for you since yesterday." He sat to the chair in front of her and she almost stab him with her fork for not even asking her if she wants him to sit there. Because surely she'll answer him, no.

She didn't answer him, instead, she eat faster ignoring all the blabbering and boasting from his loud and proud mouth.

Ryan Yee, a freshman, studying the same course as hers, have his room right across the hall closest to her room, the only person she knows who is created to have the biggest mouth she ever saw in her entire life and was born to annoy the hell out of her.

Obviously, this man was the only human here on their campus who has the nerve to annoy her. Clearly because no one cares about her ever since, until this monster-looking human annoy her, so every girl well, as every story goes, started noticing her existence by hating her for being the only girl Yee is paying attention to.

We all know why. Ryan is truly not a monster, physically. He's a hottie, Lia wants to throw up, he's even handsome. It's just, Lia doesn't want male species anymore. She loathes them. Especially, Yee who never did anything but annoy her to pieces. Also, he's not a normal human, mentally speaking.

"... And that's why I found you here. Wanna hang out after school? My friend is going to throw a party for his cousin's return from..." Ryan keeps blabbering words she never even comprehend because she was busy cleaning her lunch box. Once finished, she didn't bother looking at him and stood up and went straight to the door leading outside.

"Hey! Natalia, wait for me!" His voice filled the entire canteen. Lia's eyes shut tighter, she doesn't want to cause any scene and here he is. The fact that he's calling her by her first name really hits a nerve, she doesn't want it. Her name. She hates it.

Followed by Ryan's voice, was a bunch of whispers coming from some girl groups around her while she walks through the hall to the library, where she feels safe and unnoticeable by Yee.

More whispers grew louder as she walked closer to the library located right across the building where the canteen is built. She grew uncomfortable and unconsciously fiddle her ring with her right thumb and index finger. It grew even louder and louder until someone is already talking to her which she didn't pay attention to. She continued fiddling and walking big steps fast enough for her not to notice someone who is about to enter the hall she's into.

Lia felt her back hurt when she hit the floor unexpectedly. Then, she heard a man's voice groaning and cursing under his breath.

"Shit." Lia mumbled. She immediately stood up and was about to walk when she felt her left ring finger.

"Shit." Panic consumed her. She didn't care about the guy she bumped into. Instead, she was too caught up finding her ring that fell into the floor while she's fiddling it.

"Hey." The guy called her. She didn't answer. "Hey, is this..." The sudden pause of the guys words made Lia turn her head to where he was and that's when she notice something the guy is holding. He was looking intently into it.

Lia stood up carefully and walked to the guy. Furiously, she snatched the ring on the guy's hand, the guy who she never had time to look at, and walked inside the library not looking back, acting like nothing happened.

But. Her back hurts so bad.

Author's Note: The anticipation I felt while writing this chapter. My fingers type slower than my brain and my ideas are overflowing. 

I always feel happy writing. Hope you enjoy my story.

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