CHAPTER 3 Harry Potter

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It was one of those time in her schedule, third subject in the afternoon where she has no class. So here she is, as usual, on her wonderful, peaceful, Yee-free place in the library. She knows no one can annoy her since creating noise in their campus library is strictly prohibited.

Lia took a small container out of her bag containing cleaning chemicals for her ring. She carefully took of the ring and inspected it, looking for scratches, squinting, intently staring. She sighed in relief when she didn't saw any defects.

She started taking off a small towel and put a small amount of chemical from a bottle and wipe the ring with it. The very reason why her ring still looks new because she cleans it every now and then. Well, though it hurts having no reason to wear it, she still love the ring nonetheless. It's her most valuable possession, materially. She's not into materials, she's not materialistic but things like this ring already had a special place in her. It is what she looks upon when she misses him. When she wants to talk to him. When she wants to know what happened to him. All she can do is look at her ring like it's him.

But she knows he's nowhere now. She doesn't even know what he looks like, how he is or if he is even alive. Obviously, they lost contact months after he left. She waited.

'VG' the letters that are engrave on the ring. It's supposed to be his gift from his mother, but he gave it to her anyways.

Lia sighed. She frustratingly ran her hand through her hair and wear the now clean and shiny ring. She placed the container of chemicals in her bag and stood up to look for something she could read.

"Harry Potter." She mumbled. Taking the aisle to her left, she went to the fiction section and started looking for the book. She was too focused to even realized that she's blocking someone's view while she's looking up to the shelves above her.

She just realized what she had done when a soft cough came from behind her. Turning around slowly, she glance to the person, which turns out to be a guy and mumbled. "Sorry."

The guy, on the other hand seemed startled to see her. "It's - It's okay." He said.

"Okay." She answered and turned around once again to look at her book.

"Harry Potter?" The guy, who is now beside her asked.

"Yeah." She answered while nodding and not taking away her eyes on the shelves.

While she was busy looking, a book cover suddenly blocked her view, almost made her eyes crossed.

"Hey." She blinked many times and distant herself and found out it was the book she was looking for. Only the guy is holding it. "You have it." She said, rather dismayed and disappointed.

"You can have it." He said bringing the book closer to her.

Instead of accepting it she shook her head. "Nah." And walk away.

"Hey. Wait." The guy called few steps away. "You really love walking away, huh?"

Confused, Lia turned around and look at the guy from it's head to it's toe. "Huh?" She asked not understanding what the guy meant.

"You know, lunch, library, hallway?" The guy looked at her like he's expecting for something and she nod her head slowly while comprehending what he means when she suddenly remembered.

"Oh." She smiled falsely. Clearly not caring at it at all. She looked at her wrist watch and realized it's almost her last subject. She didn't bother talking to the guy and turn around to walk outside the library.

Leaving the guy looking at her with disappointed yet amused eyes.

Author's Note:  Ooooohh who could that guy be? Any ideas? Leave it down on the comment.

Your author is accepting any criticizing, feel free. I badly need it.

Thank you and have fun reading this story. 

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