Chapter 13: 2016

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Friday: Date Night

I paced around the length of my living room, the thick heels on my combat boots thumping against the hardwood flooring and the zippers jingling with every shake of my feet.

Why the hell am I so nervous?

I fiddled with my fingers to avoid biting my nails.

We've literally kissed. We've seen each other in our underwear. We've slept together for fuck's sake. Well, not like slept slept with each other, but we've slept in the same bed. We've known each other since 1933. Why the hell is the thought of a date making me so nervous?

I stopped dead in my tracks as the door to my bedroom opened and Bucky stepped out.

He was wearing a light gray shirt with a black leather jacket and dark colored jeans which showed off his thighs. His dark boots paired nicely with the look, as did the black leather motorcycle gloves he was pulling on.

"You okay out here?" He asked, looking up from his now glove covered hands with those beautiful steel blue eyes.

"Hm? Yeah." I mumbled, trying to hide my panic with a smile.

He raised and eyebrow and walked up to me, taking my hands in his. "I've heard you pacing around for the past twenty minutes."

Damn it.

"I'm just nervous."

"Don't be." He smiled.

"Yeah, because it's that easy." I sassed.

He let out a slight laugh and locked our fingers together. "I meant that there is nothing to be nervous about. Just relax."

I looked up to him and stared into his eyes. "I'll try."

He leaned down and captured my lips in a slow, comforting kiss. My eyes fluttered shut and I leaned into the kiss, humming against his lips as he pulled back.

"Better?" He asked.

"Maybe we should try it again, just in case." I smirked and let go of his hands, putting mine on the back of his neck and head and pulling him down until his lips met mine, this time being more heated than the last.

He smiled against my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging and pulling my body as close to his as physically possible. We broke away all too soon to catch our breath.

I rested my hands on his chest and held on to his jacket.

"We should probably go before this turns into more than kissing." I smirked, shooting him a wink.

He laughed and pressed one last kiss upon my lips before taking my hand and leading me out of my apartment building. We stopped at the side of the road where his motorcycle was parked. He got on and kicked up the kickstand.

He looked over and flashed me a bright smile as he handed me a helmet. I took it from him and raised an eyebrow.

"Where's yours?" I asked, pulling on the helmet and flipping up the visor. 

"On your head." He responded, smirking at me as he looked at my face that was partially hidden by the helmet.

"What? You're in the front, you should have it on." I raised my hands to take off the helmet but he stopped me, placing his hands on mine.

"I'll be fine. You're more important anyways." He smiled, but it faltered slightly. "I can handle losing another limb. But, I don't think I can go through losing you again."

I sighed and gave up on trying to get him to take the helmet back. He grabbed my hand and held onto it while I got on behind him.

"You have a big head." I complained, adjusting the helmet.

He scoffed and turned around. "I do not. Maybe you just have a small head." He laughed and flicked the visor down on the helmet. "Hold on." He turned around and started the bike as I firmly wrapped my arms around his torso.

Within seconds, we were speeding down the streets of New York. That is, until we got stuck in traffic.

"Come on!" Some guy in a taxi yelled, beeping several times.

"Not gonna get you anywhere faster, pal." Bucky muttered, only loud enough for me to hear.

After a few minutes of waiting, Bucky revved up the bike, telling me to hold on again before zipping between cars. I held onto his body tightly and forcefully pressed my eyes shut.

Once I felt the pressure of the wind whipping around us decrease, I opened my eyes and loosened my grip.

"You okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah." I replied. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?

"You'll see."

I sighed and rested my chin on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, I was taking in the scenery of a place I remembered vividly from the 40s.

"No way." I grinned widely as Bucky pulled into the crowded parking lot and parked the bike.

"Remember this place?" He asked as I pulled off the helmet and hopped off the bike.

"How could I not? We made Steve ride the Cyclone and he puked." I laughed at the memory. "I didn't even know this was still here."

He smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me into the park.

"Where to first?" He asked.

"Rides, then food, then games." I stated, already having a plan.

"Oddly specific."

"Not if you think about it. You ride all of the roller coasters first, so you work up an appetite and you play games after so you don't have to carry your prizes around all night."

He nodded in agreement.

We spent the first few hours, riding as many rides as possible before going to grab hot dogs and walk around the park. The sun was almost set as the final vendor handed me the giant stuffed dinosaur I had won.

After, we walked along the surprisingly almost empty beach before heading back to where Bucky parked his motorcycle.

"Hey, Y/n?" Bucky called once we reached the bike. I hummed in response. "Where are we going to put the dinosaur on the ride back?"

I looked down at the plush in my hands. "I'll sandwich him between us so he doesn't fly away."

Bucky laughed but didn't choose to comment on my childishness.

We got back to my apartment — which was now pretty much mine and Bucky's shared apartment — about fourty-five minutes later, once again getting stuck in traffic, but not as bad as last time.

I kicked off my boots as I walked through the door, Bucky followed suit and shut the door behind him. I sat down the giant stuffed dinosaur on the couch before heading into the bedroom and jumping onto the bed, landing on my stomach with a quiet 'humph.'

Bucky let out a laugh from the doorway.

"Stop laughing, my feet hurt." I complained, my voice muffled by my pillow.

The bed dipped down beside me and I turned to face Bucky. He leaned over and pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"You staying here or going to Steve's tonight?" I asked, my eyes desperately trying to stay open.

"Here, if that's okay." He replied.

I nodded and he smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead as I comfortably fell asleep.

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