Chapter 24: 2016

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Christmas Eve

Bucky knocked on the bedroom door and I panicked. I was in the middle of wrapping the last of his Christmas presents and was surrounded by tape and small scraps of wrapping paper.

"Don't come in here!" I shouted, quickly trying to finish wrapping the box.

"Why?" He asked, a pout in his voice.

"I'm wrapping your present!"

"It's lonely out here and I'm bored." He whined like a child would.

I laughed and folded the wrapping paper over the edge of the box. "I'll be done in a second."

Placing the final piece of tape down, I sighed and stood up. I gathered all of the presents into my arms and looked around them as I navigated my way to the bedroom door. I opened the door and sprinted over to the brightly lit Christmas tree, sliding across the hardwood flooring and stopping myself before I could collide with it.

I neatly placed the gifts under the tree and stood up as Bucky's strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and hummed softly.

I leaned back against him and smiled contently.

"Did Steve ever say if he was going to make it over tomorrow?" He mumbled against my shoulder.

"Yeah, he's coming." I replied. "Sam said he can't make it, but we're welcome to come over to Sarah's."

I flipped around in his arms and wrapped mine around his neck, locking my fingers behind his neck and playing with his hair.

"Do you want to?" He asked.

"It would be nice to get out of the apartment for a bit."

"Sounds good." He smiled and leaned down, gently colliding his lips into mine.


That night, Bucky and I sat on the couch watching Elf.

Bucky removed his arm from where it was resting around my shoulders and stood up. He walked over to the white light-lit Christmas tree and picked up a small red gift bag before plopping down in front of the tree.

"What do you say we each open a gift tonight?" He asked. "It can be a new tradition."

I smiled and jumped off the couch, sitting down beside him and picking out a gift for him to open. We traded gifts and I told Bucky to open his first.

He tore off the wrapping paper and cut open the box, his face lighting up. His steel blue eyes glimmered with the reflection of the Christmas lights. His smile was like a child's, bright and filled with joy as he pulled out the item.

In his hands, he held a new leather jacket. It was black and had both of our names stitched onto the collar in red thread. He slipped it on and stood up, doing a little spin and adjusting the front of it before holding out his arms and smiling down at me.

"Does it fit?" I asked, worry lacing my voice. "I didn't know what size to get you. I tried looking on the tag of your old one, but it was worn down and illegible."

"It's perfect. Thank you." He leaned down and kissed my lips softly before sitting back down in front of me. "Okay, your turn!" He smiled brighter and gestured to the gift bag in my lap.

I pulled out the tissue paper and emptied the contents of the bag. Inside, was a little black box with a baby blue bow tied around it. I tossed the bag to the side before opening the box. A gold key rested inside.

I looked up to Bucky, tipping my head to the side as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's this to?" I asked.

"The lake house." He replied, his grin widening. "I know we talked about buying an actual house since our apartment is a little small for starting a family. I searched for a while for a house that you would like, but nothing seemed right. But then I remembered the lake house, and how big it is."

I smiled widely.

"So, what do you think?" His smile faultered slightly, his nervousness showing through. "Would you like to have the lake house as our new home?"

I let out a breathly laugh and tackled him in a hug, knocking him backwards onto the floor. He chuckled.

"Is that a yes?" He asked, his grin returning.

"Of course!"

I pecked him on the lips and wrapped my arms around him. He pulled me closer to his body and nestled his face into the crook of my neck.

"I love you." He mumbled against my skin.

"I love you too." I replied, resting my head against his.


Surprise bitches! I'm back!

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