Chapter 15: 2016

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A/n: This chapter contains some words in Romanian, I only know a little so I'm sorry if the translations are incorrect.

One Month Later...


Bucky was just getting off the phone when I walked into the room. He smiled brightly as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso, pecking him on the lips.

"So, I was thinking," He started once our lips separated. I hummed for him to continue. "Since you have this week off from work, what do you say we go on a little road trip?"

I smiled, "When do we leave?"


"Are we taking my car?" I asked, seeing as the backpack and duffel bag we both carried would be difficult to hold on a motorcycle.

"Yeah. Here let me take that." He grabbed my duffel and slung it over his shoulder as we walked out of the apartment building.

We tossed our bags into the back seat before getting into the front; Bucky getting in the driver's side, and me getting into the passenger's.

"Did we grab everything?" He asked. I nodded and he started the car, pulling out onto the street and starting our journey to God knows where.


"Are we almost there?" I asked.

We've been in the car for over two hours now, and my ass was going numb from sitting so long.

"We've still got about an hour to go." Bucky informed, placing his hand on my thigh and brushing his thumb along my pantleg.

I clasped my hand on top of his and rested my head up against the window. After a few minutes, I fell asleep to the calming sound of Bucky humming along to the song that was playing through the speakers of the car.


"Haide!" (Come on!) Bucky grumbled in Romanian, waking me up from my light slumber.

I opened my eyes as a car started to repeatedly honk behind us. We were stuck in a long line of traffic, not moving whatsoever.

"Te dracu!" (Go to hell!) He cursed, throwing his hands up and giving the guy behind us a glare through the rear-view mirror.

I smirked and turned to look at him. "That was hot."

He let out a short laugh and shook his head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's fine, I got to hear the beauty that is Bucky Barnes angrily speaking Romanian."

The corners of his mouth turned upward into a small smile.

The car behind us beeped again.

"Nu mă pot mișca, prostule!" (I can't move, you fool.) He groaned.

I pulled out my phone and not-so-discreetly took a video of him to send to Steve. I sent the video and a few minutes later, Steve's face lit up on my phone. I answered quickly and made sure that he could see both Bucky and I.

"Traffic?" He asked.

I nodded as the guy behind us beeped again.

"If this guy beeps one more time, Îți jur că o să-l omor!" (I swear I'm going to kill him!) Bucky growled.

"Y/n, mind translating?" Steve asked.

I picked up a little Romanian over the past few months. Bucky usually switched from English to Romanian when he was frustrated or angry.

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