Part 13

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Your Father's POV

"There is really no reason as to why Cillian was put into isolation" your mother overheard your father say to the owner of the studio, still arguing about the Covid Marshall's decision.

He was annoyed and somewhat angry before, eventually, hanging up the phone, fuming about the fact that production was coming to a stand still.

"Fucking unbelievable" he went on to say just as your mother placed a cup of coffee in front of him.

"Did it ever occur to you that, perhaps, isolating Cillian was the right decision?" your mother asked him quietly.

"What, because they work together? They may as well isolate everyone else too then. The whole fucking cast" your father spat, causing your mother to chuckle.

"I mean, could it be that they are actually much closer with other than you think?" your mother then asked carefully, knowing that this was a touchy subject. Your father had always been overprotective with you in particular as you struggled through school, having been bullied and always being the odd one out.

"What do you mean?" your father asked. He was rather oblivious.

"What I mean is that, what is if Y/N's and Cillian's relationship isn't just platonic or purely work related?" your mother asked, but your father still didn't catch on about what she was trying to say.

"I am not following you, sorry" he said with curious eyes.

"Jesus Chris!" your mother laughed. "What is if they actually had physical contact, in an intimate way. Cillian most certainly would have to isolate then" your mother pointed out.

"Don't be ridiculous" your father laughed, not taking your mother seriously.

"Well, there is always a chance. I mean, we met on set thirty odd years ago and fell in love with each other pretty much instantly. It's not an absurd idea. In fact, stuff like this happens all the time" your mother pointed out.

"But Cillian is twenty years older than Y/N. I doubt that he would be interested in her nor do I think that Y/N would be interested in him considering his age. He's only a few years younger than me" your father said, brushing off what your mother had to say.

"Y/N isn't an ordinary 25-year-old woman though. She is interested in intellect and experience and Cillian certainly has that, don't you think? Despite, he looks much younger than 45. He is attractive and him and Y/N have spent a lot of time together lately. It's not as absurd as you may think" your mother pointed out but your father still didn't take her serious.

"There is no way. He wouldn't. He is too professional to get involved with my daughter" your father said but your mother shook her head.

"Thirty years ago, Chris, that's all I am saying. I suggest you pay some close attention to the two of them. You may be surprised" your mother responded just as John, the studio's Covid Marshall, barged in.

"So, you've changed your mind and we can keep filming?" your father asserted but John most certainly didn't change his mind at all.

"Unfortunately not, Mr Nolan. Your lead actor just tested positive this morning and so did his assistant Anna" John explained.

"Oh, for fuck sake. What about Florence?" your father asked concerned since Cillian had a close contact scene with her just yesterday.

"Still negative, Mr Nolan" John confirmed.


Later that day, you were growing rather bored and your relationship with Cillian had evolved to sexting.

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