Chapter 8

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Can You Feel the Love Tonight

    It has been a year since I have been a turtle; and to say the least it wasn't so bad. the boys taught me some moves that I didn't even know. Right now I wear ripped up dark blue shorts that still has my yin-yang belt. I also have black leather over my chest with a pocket to put my IPhone and IPod that Donnie made me if I needed help or to listen to music. And my boots were cut a the ends that way they had room instead of being squashed.

Mikey decorated by shell; he put a I <3 N.Y. bumper sticker on the top of the shell, plus a blue puzzle peices on the left part of the shell also a Japanese symbol of family at the bottom right shell; at the bottom was two hearts the big one is red and the small one is light blue.

Some times Ralph takes me outside in the day but I have to wear a discize. A large grey coad, a red scarf that Ralph made me for Easter, and a light blue hat that covers my eyes and the back of my head. And tomorrow will be my sever teenth birthday and the boys told me that it will be a surprise. And to be honest I started to get a little cerious my self. April always comes by once in a while to see us expelly me. We talk most of the time and she brings me my things from my old home.

Now I was in the bathroom brushing my hair to make it silky and smooth. As I got done I brushed my teeth to make them white and clean. I put my light blue mask back on and went to the kitchen to see Mikey cooking.

"Hey Mikey, what's cookin?" I asked. The turned around to see me.

"Hey, Baby Cakes. Happy Early Birthday!" he said as he gave be a bear hug.

"Thanks, now answer my question." I said as we let go of each other. "Fixing a perfect breadfiets for my perfect and favorite female turtle." He said as he walked back to the stove.

"I'm flattered, but you do know me and Ralph are dating, right." I said as I hoped on the counter to sit.

"I know that and I'm happy about that too. He hasn't been angry for the past year." Mikey said as he flip a pancake in the air. I smiled,

"Well I am the only one to help him calm down and to controll his anger." I said with a smile as I got off the counter.

"Speaking of Raph, where is he?" I asked. Then two hands grabed my waist. I recognize the hand and turn my head to see Raph.

"Hey handsome." I said as I turned.

"Hey beautiful." He said as he kissed my head as I giggled.

"Hey you love birds some room your blocking our way." Leo said as he pushed us apart as he got through.

"What the shell Leo?!" I shouted.

"Leo I swear if you push her one more time I'll-" Raph shouted as I got in front of him with my hands up.

"Raph ochitsuite, heion!" I said as he calmed down and cupped my face.

"Thanks Babe." he said breathing heavily.

"Argus, Raphael." I said hugging him.

"So, I guess you learn japanese from your old master right!" Donnie asked.

"Hai, he taught me and my old friends how to speak japanese when we were nine years old before we went to japan." I said to Donnie walked into the kitchen too.

After breakfast I walked to the living room and sit on couch to find a movie to watch. Then Raph came up behind me, he grabbed me playfully, and tackled me to the ground and kissed me playfully. I laughed and we kissed as we got up.

Kunoichi Girls in My Ninja Turtle Book 1Where stories live. Discover now