Chapter 2

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Ninjas of the Night

It was night time and still I was up all night drawing the landscape of New York outside of the window and thinking about these heroes that April told me about. Soon enough I heard voices on the roof.

"Alright this is our city!" I got my old camera and went up and saw four giant turtles?

'Weird, I better get a picture of them before they see me'. As I got my camera out I heard them say.

"Like shadows in the night, completely unseen." As they were about to give each other's high-fives I took the picture and they froze and so did I! I then heard whispers coming from them.

"What was that?"

"It's a camera flash."

"We know it's a camera flash"

"Who's following that camera flash?"

"By my calculations, a young girl"

"Are we going to kill her?"


"With kindness" I unfreeze and slide down the ladder, and ran into my window.

"Dudes, she getting away, what now?" one of them asked.

"Follow her." One of them said as it jumped off the railing of the building and saw me climbed in my window.

Then I hided under my bed got my ninja stars and waited to see what happens next. One by one they came in, and scanned my home. But I could only see their feet; they were the same one from the guy that I saw this morning.

"Are you sure she is in here?" one of them said.

"She is in this room and she is armed somehow, wait, Raph don't-!" I saw one of them kneel down; he grabbed me and pulled me out from under my bed. I had my head down so they would think I was dead, but no such luck because one pulled me up by my feet, and held my shoulders telling me to stand still.

"Give me the camera" It said.

"Look he's doing his batman voice." another said. As I look down I saw two big tows and they were green with some kind of armor.

"Oh she so hot, I can feel my shell tightening." One of them said.

"We can hear you." It said as it looked back at me and saw I had my eyes closed and it can tell that they would just leave me alone.

"If you don't give me the camera, I'm goanna -." It was interrupted by another voice.

"Enough! Back off Raph!" He let go of my shoulders, but I could swear I had a bourses on my shoulders. Another on put his hands on my cheek genially and the other one holding my hand trying to calm me down, like telling me everything was fine.

"Mam. Hello. I apologies, my coly here forgot to say please. So you can open your eyes little one, there is no need to be scared." He said in a genially tone. I turned my head to the left and asked,

"Will you harm me or do you just want to talk?"

"We only want to talk, nothing more." He said as he brushed my hair off of my shoulder.

"Promise?" I said before I thought of looking at them.

"We promise little one!" He said. I opened my eyes and standing in front of me was a giant turtle with a blue mask on his face. Not only was there one turtle but, four of them. The others had different masks, red, orange, and purple.

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