Chapter 6

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The Date

I yawned as I woke up and Raph was still asleep.

'He does look cute without his mask' I thought as I saw his mask beside him. I got off of him and got dressed and headed out as Raph stepped on my bed. So I went to the arena and no one there. I sighed and began training with my war fans. As soon as I finished I saw Raph standing there. I smiled and said.

"Morning sleepyhead." He chuckled when I called him sleepy head as he walked to the arena and walked in from of me and bent down to my level. He placed his hand of the back of my head and rubbed my back head. As I was pulled into a hug and it was the best hug anyone can ask for. But then I saw the others watching us with an approval on their faces.

I got so embarrassed I heated up and buried my face into Raph's neck. He notices I warmed up bad as he turned his head and saw his brothers watching us. He growled as he got up and holding me and set me on the side of arena and said.

"Wait here. I'll take care of it." I nodded as he kissed my hand and turned to his brothers and he ran towards them and they ran away from Raph. Probably they don't like Raph so angry, I just sit there and smiled as Raph came back sweating and growling. I tossed him a towel and he caught it and helped me get down

"Thanks" he said as I got down.

"Any time Raph, I'd better find something to do and eat before they . . . you know." I said as I walked out of the arena as he nodded. As I found something to eat and watch the turtles practice the martial arts, cause I told Splinter that I already practice. As they got done they decided to head out to patrol New York and of course I wasn't going because it was too dangerous for me to be outside.

I sighed and walked away and to my room and stated on my bed and waited until they got home. But instead of that, Raph grabbed my hand to stop me dead on track as a small gasp came out. As he grabbed my other hand I began to shake. I turned my head and Raph still holding my hands.

"What?" I said shaken.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked as he let go, I turned towards him and said.

"To my room, as I always do back at my old home." He shook his head which got me confused.

"Not this time, you're coming with us," he said as he handed my war fan and pushes my back for me to walk towards the exit of the sewers. After we were jumping from the buildings, I stopped and the others were jumping to the next building and the next as I walked to the egged of the building and watch the people walking by and the cars passing by. I sighed as people walk by the building. And that made me think.

'Why would they just accept my friends as they are instead of freaks? Sure they seem scary at first but their nice once you get to know them' I stand their sightlines lost in word when Raph came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder which made me jump with fright.

"Why weren't you following us?" Raph asked as he walked to the edge right beside me. I signed knowing what I was going to say.

"I was thinking that's all." I said as I lowered my head to look at the people below us. Raph put his hand on my back and patted it and said

"What are you think about?" I looked away from him without making eye contact to him.

"It will sound silly," I said as Raph chuckled under his breath as he pulled me close to him and said,

"Nothing is silly when I'm around Hannah, so you can tell me anything." I smiled and began to say something that made him unnerve on him.

"I wish the people here know about you guys for who you are." He let go of me and said.

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