Chapter 7

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I wok e up in a lot of pain than normal. I was in so much pain I couldn't practice. I got up and got my jimmies top and bottoms on and headed to the kitchen to find food. I got some leftover pizza saved for me.

Then my right hand began to sting so bad I dropped the pizza box and collapsed to the ground. I looked at my hand and saw it changing into three fingers and also turning green and scaly. Then I saw Mikey come in and saw me on the ground in pain.

"Hannah, what's the matter, man?" he asked as he knelt down towards me. I turned my head towards him with tears in my eyes.

"Mikey, help me! Please!" I begged him as I reached my transforming hand towards and he grabbed it.

"What is happening to you?" he asked with a concerned look and tone. Before I could reply my skin was burning so bad I screamed as my body was getting muscular and I got a little bigger in size.

"Oh, man," Mikey said in shock. He grabbed me and held me close.

"Guys come quickly, I need help," Mikey shouted while holding me closes trying his best to calm me down. Leo and Donnie came in with annoyance on their faces.

"Mikey, if it is not very important I swear I'll" Leo paused when he saw me in Mikey's grip.

"Mikey, what is going on?" Donnie asked as he ran towards us.

"She is sick or changing. I don't know, but what I know is that she is hurt bad," Mikey said as he looked down at me.

"Hannah, look at me, let me see what's wrong," Leo said as he rubbed my shoulder trying his best to show comfort. I looked at him and they gasped.

"What are the matter guys? What are you looking at," I asked with tears flow down my cheeks.

"Well, Hannah, no need to offend you but your face is turning purplish-green on the sides of your face," Donnie said as he brought a mirror out to show me. As I looked a jolt of pain got on my back and chest.

"What the shell is wrong with her?" Leo asked as I clutched my chest. Then they heard a ripping sound coming from me. A shell grew on me causing my pajama top to tar and the bottom to rim and grew a small tail.

"I want Ralph, please." I begged in from of them.

"Alright. Mikey you get Ralph while I and Donnie try to calm her down." Leo commanded them as he clutches on me trying to calm my pains. Mikey nods and goes to find Ralph in his room.

"Ralph, I need your help," Mikey said as he burst through the door.

"Whatever it is it does not involve me," Ralph said in a dark tone.

"Ralph, it does involve you. Hannah is in trouble." As Ralph hears my name is sprinted toward Mikey. While knocking him down.

"Where is she?!" Ralph said in a mad tone.

"In the living room with Leo and Don, man," Mikey said as Ralph ran towards the living room. As he got there he saw me in Leo's arms. He knelt down so he can hold me in his arms. I calmed down when Ralph rubs my head for comfort.

"What is wrong with her?" Mikey asked with confusion.

"Well, I took a blood test earlier while you were gone and her blood is-" Donnie said but disturbed about what the blood was.

"Mutated. She has the mutation in her blood system ever since she was born." Leo added to Donnie's sentence. Ralph was speechless. He never knew my darkest secrets but now.

"Hannah is this true?" Ralph asked as I looked up at him. I nodded and then screamed in pain then my feet morphed into two toes instead of five and also became scaly and grassy green.

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