Chapter 4

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The story of What Happen

I moved around and groaned as I rubbed my hand on my head and got up and said,

"What just happened?" Then I saw I wasn't at home or in my bed.

"Where am I?" I asked to myself. Just then Michelangelo came with pizza and saw me woke up with confusion on my face. He set the pizza down and sat on the bed next to me.

"Sorry about the sneak attack, but it's the only way to get you here," he said as he hold my hand. If he were a human he would be a great friend to me. I only signed in him remark. "Here, it always helps with this problem." as he handed me the pizza. I smiled and got the pizza.

"How long was I out?" I asked him still it felt like minutes.

"Well, a couple of hours but it's not days I'll give you that."

"Thank God" I thought to myself. Then Michelangelo saw that I didn't touch my pizza probably because of what happened yesterday.

"Hey man, come on, at least get some food at least," he said as he noogied my head and sat on the bed next to me. "So, how was your life like well before you won the contest?" he asked. I sighed of his question but I told him anyway.

"Well, it was a long time ago and I was too . . . a Freak." I said as I looked the other way not making eye contact with Michelangelo.

"Too," That was all he said until I continued my story.

"When I was a little girl, I had a small ponytail, a small dress, and I was into Japanese culture. So I decided to join the Hamato Clan when I was six. Then everyone came up a nickname for me and it wasn't clever." I turn my head as I heard him giggle then he stopped as I gave him a 'really' look.

"Carry on", I sighed and carry on.

"So my master died when I was fourteen. I'd never gotten my weapon and I became a master of the Hamato Clan. I still needed a weapon but never got it." I stopped when I tear up about my past. Soon he wiped the tear from my cheek and said, "Sorry I asked. I didn't know your past was uncool man." I smiled and asked, "Do you guys have nicknames? So I will remember." He told me to call him Mikey, and the others by Leo, Raph and Donnie or Don.

"Mikey, you're a great friend I'd ever had. So thank you," I said when I hugged him and he hugged me back. Soon Leo came in and saw that I woke up.

"You're awake. How you do you feel?" He asked as he bent down to eye level.

"I'm just fine. Just under the weather, but nothing more," I said half joking. He chuckled to my remark and said.

"At least you're okay." I smiled as he said that.

"Hey, Leo," Mikey said while he got off of the bed.

"We need to talk, Turtle to Turtle." As he said as he went out with Leo and left me with the pizza. I thought for a moment that I did not eat dinner or breakfast today. So I decided to have the pizza and waited to see what's going to happen. Then Donnie came in with pills and water.

"That gas will get in your blood so take these, and it will help numerate the gas." he said as he hands it to me and of course I took it and he checked with his high tech goggles and it seemed to scan me. As he's done he handed me my laptop and my head phones.

"Take a rest, Hannah. Raph will be here to help you walk, okay." I nodded as he plugged it in on the side wall and took the empty pizza box and walked out. I got my headphones on and went to YouTube and watched 'SuperMarioLogan'. As soon as I got to the next episode, Raph came in and looked at me with concern on his face. I set my laptop and headphones on the dresser next to me. He bent down so his eyes contacted me and said,

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