Chapter 1

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One Day in New York City

I made it to New York City, my new home and it is amazing. It is everything I could have imagined it would be. It is night time here and the news reporter will come to Central Square to interview me tomorrow so I need to go check in my room at the hotel. We went to the biggest and highest hotel in New York. The hotel had ladders that go up to the roof. It did not take them long to arrange the furniture in my room and allow me to arrange my clothing. After I finished arranging my clothes I decided to go the roof and check the view.

I put my black jacket on and got my camera and then headed up the ladder. As I got on the roof I got my camera out to take pictures of the city view at night time. I saw people on the other roof so I decided to head back in before they seen me but not before I took a picture of them. After I got back into my room I closed the blinds and decided I should get ready for bed. I put the photos into my landscape photo box and put it into the photo drawer I had set up. I got dressed for bed in my green night gown and then I turned the lights off and turned on my flower night light. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. When morning came I was up and ready by 7:30 A.M. My mind was full of thoughts as I was thinking

'Maybe this is the day that I will be a normal person instead of looked at as a freak'. I had a hot pink t-shirt on with blue jeans, red socks, and green tennis shoes. I had my new purse with me and my new mini camera to take pictures of New York with. When I came out of the hotel a lady in a yellow jacket, grey t-shirt, and blue jeans was waiting on me. She also had brown hair and green eyes. She was talking to someone in a big coat, with a hat and sunglasses on. He also had a bandanna on that covered most of his face. The weirdest thing was the hands wrapped in cloth with only two fingers.

"Oh, you must be Hannah that the letter was sent to us from?" she said with a smile.

"Yea, I'm Hannah Alfrey, and what's your name by chance?" I ask as I tell her my name.

"Oh, I'm April, April O'Neil, and this is one of my friends, Raphael."

I shook his hand in some way he's saying hello.

"So when do we start?" I ask as I stop shaking his hand as he looks at April.

"Soon, we need to get there, but don't worry we'll drive over there," she said as she got in, Raphael helped me get in the back, before he closed the door I saw that his feet were green and in bandages. As he closed the door behind me, he moved ahead of me and whispered something to April. Raphael leaves through the alley.

"Ready to go?" April asked as I broke from a trance.

"Yea, hey April?"

"Yea, what is it?" April asked worried.

"Did you notice that your friend has green feet?" She looked worried "skin condition" she says too quickly. 'She's lying, she must be hiding something.' I think to myself.

"Oh" I said and see April relax as she hears my reply.

"Well let's go". She said comfortably

"All right lets go". As we got there she started the introduction about herself. She talked about some kind of Foot Clan never seen for months now.

'Foot Clan sounds like the evil clan instead of the Hamato Clan. I better keep my mouth shut for this 'I thought to myself. Later in the sewers, voices came down there.

"Leo" the figure on the computer called.

"What is it Don"? The other figure said.

"Get the others April is on again". The figure left and got the other figures that came in to watch the screen of me and April talking.

"And here we have Hannah Alfrey all the way from the state of Indiana. Her art work is called The Ninja Garden and is supposed to be for ninja's if they really live here in New York and to see the beautiful art work. This is April O'Neil signing off for now." The figure paused the screen and turned to them

"I think I can pinpoint her location, but it will take time" the figure said.

"Alright Don, but after training we need to get ready for anything if he comes back". The three figures left except for one looking at the screen in silence, looking at me with a smile on my face.

"Raph, are you coming ". One of the figures asks to it. Only a nod came from it and looked at me and said

"We will met again kid as I really am" As it said a small smile shown on its face and left without another word. Back to me when the interview was done, April took me around town to show me around and told me about the 'Foot clan' and how she got captured by them but saved by these heroes. These got me cereus about these heroes and wonder where they are and how are they came here.

"Well Hannah, how about pizza to welcome you to New York City and for an excellent interview." She said as we arrived at pizza hut store. "That's sounds like a good idea April." I said in excitement, until her phone rang and she answered

"Yes ... yeah... but ... I see... I'll be there after lunch... alright see you then ... Bye."

"Who was that?" I asked as she put her phone way.

"Friends of mine, now how about that pizza?" I nodded and we went in.

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