Help Me

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Jade shifted the coffee cup between her hands and stared down at the table as Nat and Wanda talked. She had fallen asleep on the bathroom floor and gotten up early to make sure that she would be out of the apartment before Bucky woke up. She made sure to turn her phone off before arriving at the compound knowing Bucky would blow her phone up once he realized she was gone. He would want to talk about the kiss and she didn't know what to tell him. She couldn't tell him the truth. How could she blurt out that she was in love with him and had been for years? What if he laughed in her face or even worse, gave her a look of pity as he let her down easy?

"So, how's the apartment hunting going?" Wanda asked, pulling Jade from her thoughts.

"Oh, uh, not so great. Still waiting on insurance checks, so I haven't really been able to lock anything in place. I found some amazing apartments and cars, but until I get the checks from my insurance claims, there isn't much I can do because I need those for the deposit and down payment."

"I'm sure they'll come soon." Nat reassured her.

The girls resumed talking and Jade drifted from the conversation as her internal thoughts overtook her again. She groaned and covered her face with her hands. Wanda and Natasha stopped talking and looked over at Jade with concern.

"Hey, you okay?" Natasha asked.

"No." Jade grumbled.

"What's wrong?" Wanda asked

"God, I don't even know where to start." She looked at her friends and then dropped her head back into her hands.

"I'm gonna do it." Wanda said, looking over to Natasha.

"Don't you even dare, witchy woman." Jade popped her head up and narrowed her eyes at Wanda.

"Then start talking or Wanda's gonna go digging through that pretty head of yours." Natasha stated as she sat back in her chair, crossing her arms.

Jade took a deep breath and then blew it out slowly trying to gather her thoughts. Might as well just say it. The girls had become her friends pretty quick after she started working at the compound. Besides Steve and Bucky, they were the people she could trust the most to keep her secrets. She couldn't go to Steve about what had happened because he was too close to Bucky. She needed someone who could be an impartial third party.

"I kissed Bucky last night."

"About damn time." Natasha said.

"How—when—start from the beginning." Wanda stuttered out.

Jade explained what had happened the previous night and how she had bailed on him this morning. She was too embarrassed to face him.

"You're blind, Jade." Natasha snorted and took a sip of her coffee. "That man is completely in love with you. Everyone can see you're both in love with each other except for you and him."

Wanda nodded in agreement.

"That's not true, Nat. He just sees me as a friend. What do I do? He's going to want to talk about it. I don't even know where to start with that conversation."

"How about," Nat leaned forward on the table. "Bucky, I've been in love with you for years. Now take me home, throw me on your bed, and fu—"

"Don't finish that sentence. That's not funny. Seriously, help me out guys." Jade interrupted Natasha.

"Jade, you have to be honest with him no matter how hard it is. Even if he doesn't feel the same way, you'll at least know where you stand instead of wondering." Wanda said as she reached out and grabbed Jade's hand. "But for the record, he loves you."

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