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Jade woke slowly. Her head was busting and her limbs ached. She tried to stretch out, but soon realized that something was holding her down. She raised her head to look at the length of her body. A shiny, clinical looking, metal table stretched beneath her. Thick, black straps were fastened around her wrists and ankles so tightly that she could feel the edges of each strap digging painfully into her skin. Jade took a moment to look around the room.

It was dim except for one bright light hanging over a desk against the opposite wall. Leaning her head back, she could see cabinets on the wall behind her with what looked like medical supplies. A few ancient looking monitors were lined against the walls to her left and right.

Why can't he just kill me and get it over with?

George had to know that she would never become a part of Hydra. Jade blamed them as much as she did George for the people she had lost and for taking away the life she had always dreamed about. As the confusion from her drug-addled brain began to clear, her thoughts snapped to Bucky. Before she passed out she heard a shot and then silence. Had they killed him even though George promised they would be left alone? She should've never trusted him to keep his word. She needed answers and she needed them now. She pulled against the restraints and started yelling for anyone to hear.

"Hey assholes! Tell your boss to get his ass in here. Now!" Jade continued trying to move around on the table.

Jade paused, but no one entered the room.

"Get in here and finish what you started, you fucking coward!"

Again, no one entered. She continued for what seemed like hours. By the time she gave up, her wrists and ankles were bleeding and her throat was on fire from all the screaming. There was nothing but silence surrounding her. No noises from behind the door, no footsteps echoing, not even the whirring of air through the vents overhead. A garbled string of curses left her mouth and tears ran out of the corners of her eyes. She wanted this to be over. She was tired of running and looking behind her. She wouldn't try to escape, not this time. Exhaustion settled in Jade's body. She fought off sleep for as long as she could, but she eventually drifted into a fitful rest.


Jade's eyes fluttered open. She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but it didn't matter. She wasn't going anywhere. She didn't bother scanning the room. George would come when he wanted and not a moment sooner. No amount of taunting or name calling would summon him.

"Ah, honey. You're awake."

Jade jolted on the table at the sound of George's grating voice coming from her right. Her head twisted to look at the man sitting in the dark against the wall. As he emerged into the light, she took a lingering look at him. He looked almost the same as the last time she saw him except his hair was graying and he had grown a beard. Small wrinkles had formed on his forehead and underneath his eyes. He was a bit more plump than she remembered, but still just as tall and intimidating.

As a child, Jade had been scared of her father. Before her mother found out about Hydra, Jade didn't like being alone with him. Although she was young, she could vividly remember the uncomfortable feeling she would get any time her mother left them by themselves. It was his eyes. They were the same vibrant blue-green as hers, but his were filled with malice and hatred. Even now, she could see it. His mouth was upturned in a faux smile and the edges of his eyes crinkled, but his eyes were lifeless. A person's eyes always gave away their true intentions. Windows to the soul and all that bullshit...and his soul was as black as night.

"Is Bucky okay?"

"The soldier is fine. He was coming after you and we had to stop him. Don't worry. Our agents are trained snipers. They missed all his vital organs and we dropped him outside the compound to ensure he wouldn't bleed to death."

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