Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

~Louis' Perspective~

"And let me kiss you!"

Harry had just finished the last line of "Kiss You" and then he started huddling and chatting with Liam and Niall again.

Okay, what the hell is going on and why am I not a part of this?!

This huddling thing between the three has happened over 50 times during rehearsals and I was just about done with this happening.

I storm over to Harry, Liam and Niall and pull Harry out of the huddle by the back of his neck. I pull him to the side talked very quietly but audible enough for him to hear me.

"Care to tell me what this huddling is about?!" I said with a very stern voice so Harry could get through his little skull that I was very annoyed.

"Oh Liam or Niall didn't tell you?"

Obviously no one told me but Harry was too stupid to realize that I haven't heard about this.

"No. No one told me. Care to tell?"

"Oh sure! So there was a girl that tweeted to all of us saying that she is coming to the meet and greet next week and-" i cut him off to finish his sentence

"And all three of you replied?"

"Yes. First, I told Liam and then Liam told Niall. The only reason why we really did was because A. we didn't want to be rude and B. she's extremely hot!"

Hot? By the tone of Harry's voice, she must be very pretty!

"Oh okay! I see now." I said with a very relieved tone. I thought that they he was going to say that they were ganging up on me and Zayn (I don't know!).

"You should look her up! I'll give you her twitter handle." Harry says as he takes my phone out of my pocket.

He puts the twitter handle in my notes so I could just copy and paste it into my search bar on twitter later. As he hands me back my phone, I tell him thank you and that I would talk to him later tonight.

As I walked out of the door of the arena I kept asking myself, why was this girl such a big deal? She's just a girl, right? Was she really as pretty as Harry said she was?


I finally got back to my hotel room from rehearsals. Traffic tonight was horrible! I guess it was just the fact that all the fans had figured out that we were in California for the week and they just wanted to see if they could find us.

I walk into my hotel room. Throw my backpack on the floor and jump straight onto the bed. A big sigh of relaxation slipped out of my mouth.

I whip out my phone and go on Twitter.

Speaking of Twitter, that reminds me, I have to go and search up that girl that Harry mentioned earlier today!

I go into my notes, copied the Twitter handle, went back inti Twitter and pasted the name into the search bar. And there she was. The pretty little girl everyone (Harry, Liam, and Niall) were buzzing about.

I know that I've got Eleanor but, I have to agree that she was quite breathtaking. Yeah, she was pretty all around. Her eyes, her hair, her lips, her hips, everything was quite lovely.

I search threw her thousands of tweet and finally found the one about her big 1D meet and greet event in LA on Friday.

It was pretty late so I replied quickly to her tweet and feel into a deep sleep in my clothes.

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