Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

~Harry's Perspective~

After I dropped off Jess at her mum's place, I felt different. Not physically, but mentally.

They way she looked when she talked about her father's death, I could tell it was a hard subject for her to talk about.

Afterwards, when she was done explaining the story to me, she looked as if she opened up to a new level.

To me it seemed that she was very comfortable talking with me, and that made me feel good.

I like it when people are willing to tell me something so personal. I'm a very open person, and when people want to talk about something, I would always be first in line because I love to listen to other people's storys.

All of these thoughts were going threw my head as I was walking up to my hotel room.

As I turned around the corner of the hallway, I got startled by Niall who was leaning against my hotel room door cross legged.

"What happened earlier?" He questioned.

"Why do you want to know?" I questioned back with a sassy tone putting one hand on my hip.

"Because I want to know why there was screaming...." He said looking down at his feet.

"Because it woke you up from your 'beauty sleep'?" I said with a smirk on my face.

His face shot up from his feet to my face.

"You got it!" He said with a stupid smile.

We both chuckled for a moment before I started to speak again.

"Jessica was over and she yelled at me, but its all cool now. We talked it out. We are hanging out again tomorrow. If you wanna drop by, you're more than welcome to join." I said as I slipped me key card into the door handle.

"Sure, sounds like fun! Text me what time I have to be here later, okay?"

"Yup, no problem." I said as I opened my hotel room door.

"Okay later bro!" Niall hollered before he entered his hotel room.

As I walked into my hotel room, I shut the door and stood in front of it, remembering what had happened earlier in the day, a smirk finding its way to my face.

I set my stuff down on the table next to the door and walked over to the balcony.

I swung open the doors and looked out to the view remembering Jess's fear of heights. I walked over to the rail and looked down. Come to think of it, it is pretty frickin' scary how high up I was from the ground. I walked back into the hotel room and shut the double doors behind me. Then, I walked into the room with the grand piano.

I sat on the piano bench and gently touched the keys on the piano, remembering Jess's amazing performance. As I gently brushed my fingertips along the white keys, a small smile was painted on my face. Jessica was an incredible piano player! I wondered if she could play anything else. Anyway, I swung my legs over the bench and stood up, now heading for the bedroom.

I opened the door to see a slightly messy room. Pillows on the floor, duvet slightly off the bed. I walk over to the foot of the bed and fell onto the cloud-like mattress. Her scent was still on the sheets. The smell of mint. I sat up straight and brushed my hand back and forth on the duvet. As I did so, I found a strand of hair on the bed. It could have been mine because of the color, but it was certainly not the right length. It was Jessica's. Jessica Fuller's.

As I lay on the bed, twirling the strand of hair in between my fingers, I decided to text Jess. You know, to see how she's doing.

To: Jess .x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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