Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

~Jessica's Perspective~

"YES!" I scream with joy! My mum had finally bought my One Direction Meet and Greet tickets! I lived over in London and my mum lived in California and everytime we talked on the phone, we talked about how next time when I visit we should do something fun like, going to a meet and greet or a concert, something like that. My mum was a bit of a fan as well, so we were both very excited. I think my mum was a bit more excited about meeting Louis then she was about any of the others, which I found quiet funny.

"I've GOT to Tweet about this!" I say running upstairs and into my room.

I turn on my computer as fast as I possibly could, got on twitter, and tweeted as fast as I possibly could type. The tweet read:

"@Jesse_LoveBear: @Harry Styles @Real_Liam_Payne @NiallOfficial @zaynmalik @Louis_Tomlinson Just found out I'm going to your M&G next week on Friday! Can't wait!"

Yes, yes, I know I tweeted to all of them but, I don't really have a specific favorite. I literally love all of them! I didn't care if one of them didn't tweet back. I just hoped that they would see my tweet. Who knows! They might respond back to me!

I pull my self back into reality and stop dreaming of the hunky british guys that I was going to meet next Friday. And then, it hit me. I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO WEAR TO THE MEET AND GREET!!!!

"Hey mum?" I holler from the top of the stairs.

"Yes darling?" She replies in her sweetest voice

"Do you think we could go to the mall and-"

"Go buy something to wear to the meet and greet?" My mum finishes my question for me.

I was totally taken by suprise that my mum knew what I was going to ask her.

"How did you know what I was going to ask?" I say with a confused expression on my face.

My mum replies to me with excitement in her face and voice, "I was just thinking about it actually and I was pretty sure that's what you were going to ask me after I heard you screaming in your closet while I was in the kitchen."

My mum and I thought very much alike. It's actually kind of creepy when we finish each others sentences like we just did a few moments ago.

"Let me guess, you also need to find something to wear to "impress Louis"?" I say with a little bit of sarcasm in my voice.

"I was actually!" My mum was said very confidently blushing a tiny bit with a shy smile..... She is such a whack-job... GOD I love my mum! My mum was 35 and Louis is 21 so I guess it's not really that creepy... maybe just a little but not too much I guess.

She shakes off her shy smile and tells me to go and get out of my pj's, get some nice clothes on, and meet her in the car in 5-10 minutes. My mum knows that I put a lot of time and focus into how I look when it comes to going out in public because in my mind I think I'm going to be judged be called names if I didn't look nice.

--3 minutes later--

I got dressed quicker than I intended to! I guess it was just the adrenaline that was flowing rapidly through me after finding out that I was going to be meeting the loves of my life in a week.

I quickly lace up my white converse that actually went really nice with my jean shorts and my pink flowing lace crop top. I quickly run down the stairs, grab my green jacket, and ran to my mum's white Jeep that was already pulled out of the drive way and ready to roll out of the neighborhood.

"You we quicker than I though you would be." my mum says in shock.

See I told you we thought alike!


"MUM! Your going to get us killed!" I scream with fear filling body as my mom slams on her brakes. The parking lot was a mob scene! Apparently, the day togo shopping in my town was on Friday instead of Saturday.

"I'm sorry Jess! It's not my fault! It's the dumb idiot that started to pull out without looking!" My mum replies in a very frustrated voice.

"Mum for the love of god!!!" I squeal as she takes a very fast in sharp turn into a parking spot.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to get to this parking spot before that blonde headed bimbo got to it." My mum replies.

Well, at least we got to the mall without being murdered in a car accident and got there safely.

As we walk into the mall, we figure out which store we were going to go to to get the perfect outfit.

"Were should we go?" I ask my mum with a very excited tone.

"I know where to go. Come with me." She smiles and grabs my wrist yanking me to the other side of the mall. My mum was very trendy and was basically an expert when it comes to fashion so I was definitely going to trust her on this one!

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