Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

~Harry's Perspective~

Jessica looked absolutely beautiful! She looked really pretty with her hair pulled back, her lips looked so full and tempting. The way her eyes sparkled from the reflection of the sun as she looked out the window was gorgeous! She had a really cute outfit on as well! Very casual and very simple. I love it when girls wear pink and smell like mint and that's exactly what Jess had on. Pink shorts and body splash the scent of mint. And I was loving it! The smell of mint filled the car and her pink shorts I could see out of the corner of my eye.

The car ride was pretty silent. But it wasn't an awkward silence. It was pretty comfortable. I felt good when I was around Jess. She has that kind of ZAP to her that could make anyone feel happy. She just seems to lighten the mood in any situation just from her presents. I know I only met her yesterday, but I could already feel it.

Finally, we pull up to the little café and walking inside.

"How did you know that I loved Starbucks?!" Jessica's face had joy written all over it.

"Lucky guess I supposed!"

Actually, I don't take credit for picking Starbucks. I give all credit to my mum. When I told her I was taking Jess out for coffee she told me to take her to Starbuck and that Starbucks is every girls best friend when it comes to coffee.

I told Jess that she could go and pick any table she wanted and that I'd go up and order a few things.

Once I paid for everything, I look to find Jess in the both over in the corner of the room.

I walk over and put everything on the table before sitting down.

"I choose this both incase any crazy girls walked in that you wouldn't be attacked." She said with a kind smile.

"Thank you for doing that." I was happy that Jess knew that I didn't want to be mobbed by a bunch of fans on my day off.

I take out everything that was in the brown paper bag and place it on the table. I bought two cake-pops and two white chocolate mochas.

We both took a sip of out mochas before we started talking.

"So what school do you go to over in London?" She had to be at least my age, 18-19.

"Well, I went to school to study music, but after 2 and a half years they kicked me out," her facial expression was filled with sorrow.

I knew she was around my age.

"Why would they do that?" I got very curious.

"Um... It was something that happened on campus. I didn't even remember what happened the night it happened when the schools main professor asked about it." I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't want to talk about it, so I changed the subject.

"Since you don't go to the school anymore, where have you been working?" Her face seemed to light up a bit when I asked.

"I have been working in multiple record company's lately. I've been writing music, performing at local cafés, I've even been working on my own album for a couple months!" Jessica had a huge smile planted on her face.

Jess seemed very talented!

"So you're signed to a record company?!" Her face started to drop again.

"Not exactly. I have been performing for some record companies, but the won't take me in." She seemed very sad after explaining her failures to me.

I stood up with my mocha and grabbed her wrist gently.

"Come with me."

She quickly grabbed her drink as well and followed right behind.

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