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I forgot that you can also give some questions or dares to the ??????. If you want ofc.
?????? p.o.v.:
Ahh yeah, new day new dares. I feel like this is going to be an amazing day! I got up, changed in some clothes which I wear because I don't want them to know how I look YET. I had a lot of troubles with that because of wings I had but I eventually succeeded and put them inside. Then I head to the kitchen to make myself a tea. It was around 11am. and I'm wondering if they are sleeping. After I ate a little breakfast I went downstairs to the ground floor. We got some dares and questions to do and it's pretty late too. I prepared my mic and announced.

??????: Wake up Everybody! We got some request to do!

After a while they were here, some of them were still sleeping somehow and seems like some of them woke up before me and I see everyone got back to their selfs, I mean they are not girls anymore. Everyone sat on chairs and we were about to start.

??????: Good morning everyone I guess? I don't think it's still morning but yeah-. We are starting off with dares and questions. Sorry if you didn't finish you breakfast or didn't even start it but we are late anyway. Heh I kinda slept in, it is what it is.
MiniToon: Oh just get over with it, I don't mind.
??????: Alright, the first is question, and it's for PghL.

??????: Alright, the first is question, and it's for PghL

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PghL: Wait. I- um-. Give me a second please. Uhh-
Kreek: Are you ok?
PghL: Yeah, I guess-
??????: I mean we can help you, but I don't know why would you need our help here.
PghL: Well, I think I need some help.
??????: Then tell us!
PghL: Uhh- I don't know how should I say that. It's so embarrassing.
Devoun: Just spit it out!
PghL: Fine. I don't know who TanqR is... I know that this dude won RB Battles But I never seen him.

Bro he LITERALLY have a man sitting next to him with a huge T on his mask and he doesn't know. I'm starting to lose my patience. First the wall now this. Ehh-
I think Kreek noticed this as well.

Kreek: PghL, please. I'm starting to lose any hope in you. YOU LITERALLY HAVE A MAN SITTING WITH A HUGE T ON HIS MASK, NEXT TO YOU!
PghL: Really?
Kreek: YES LOOK.

PghL looked to his right and he saw TanqR. They both looked at each other.

PghL: Omg, I'm so sorry dude. I-I just didn't know.
TanqR: Nah, Don't worry mate, not all people need to know me anyway.
??????: Ok we need to go back to our question, so PghL what's your answer?
PghL: Umm- I actually don't know. I never really get to know him. So for know I'm not sure.
??????: Alright, if that's your answer then we are moving to the next request. And here a person send me a huge amount of dares, anf think I'm not able to do it. Hah, no problem. I'm just going to do the half now and the rest in the next episode. Ok so here are the dares.

( bro I was like wat the fuck is Tagalog I needed to search it up, and unfortunately I need to use Filipino, and also-

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( bro I was like wat the fuck is Tagalog I needed to search it up, and unfortunately I need to use Filipino, and also-. How do you want me to know what happened to RoGang. I knew it was a thing, but is didn't watched them, since the only youtuber I knew back then was TanqR. I just don't want to lie, alright? I will just skip it in smart way)

TanqR: Well, that's good to know that your buddy isn't that useless as mine is.
TanqR buddy: You know I'm here and I can hear you?
TanqR: Yeah I know, I said that on purpose to annoy you.
TanqR buddy: Hm- I hate you.
TanqR: Like I care.
Rektway: I see you two aren't getting along really well.
TanqR: Ehh- Yeah.
??????: I think we should move onto next dare. Which is * 2nd dare here *
??????: Geez- Fine. But others need to. Just say something what is cringe in you opinion.
TanqR: Wait he was flirting with you?
Rektway: Ehh- Yeah...
TanqR: Aww man I missed that.
??????: Ok, alright let's go back to our dare.

Everyone started to think. I actually didn't know what they would say it's just, hard.
I don't even know what I would say...

TanqR: I'm ready.
??????: Are you sure?
TanqR: I mean I guess.
??????: Then go ahead say it.
TanqR: * starts singing Wrecking ball *

( he actually started to sing this in one of his videos and I actually cringed like 💀)

??????: Alright, alright. Stop it now!
MiniToon: Yeah, you actually can't sing.
TanqR: I know I can't sing, you don't need to remind me of that.
Rektway: My ears are bleeding.
TanqR: Oh shut up man.
??????: Ok, who is next?
Rektway: I can go! So I honestly think that teaming is the best thing in my life, I love teaming and I'm enjoying it so much.
??????: Uh- Alright, I will take it, who is next?
PinkLeaf: I guess I can. So I personally think that LisaGaming is the best youtuber ever I love her avatar so much and her content is just so fantastic.
??????: Ok that was actually cringe.
Kreek: Now I can go.
??????: Alright.
Kreek: I would love to be best friends with TanqR one day, I can't wait for that. I feel like we would be great best friends.
TanqR: It's not going to happen mate.
Kreek: I know. that's why I'm saying that.
Chizeled: Ok shut up now it's my turn. I really like making videos about KreekCraft is not like he is a free content for me I actually really like making them.
??????: Ok who is next.


??????: Anyone? Ugh- Fine let's just move on to next dare. * 3rd dare here *.
PinkLeaf: Alright, give ma a second.

( idk if this is right, I'm doing this with google translate because I never tried to speak in this language in my life, again please forgive me idk if this is correct, I'm sorry)

PinkLeaf: Ayoko na dito.  Napaka tanga mo lalo na si Kreek.  Ang ginagawa mo lang ay nakikipagtalo sa TanqR, nakakainis ka alam mo ba?  Ang parehong bagay sa iyo TanqR.  Hindi ko alam na maingay ka lang talaga at wala akong oras para magpahinga.

( I don't want to be here anymore. You are all so stupid, especially you Kreek. All you are doing is arguing with TanqR, that's kinda annoying you know? The same thing with you TanqR. I don't know you are all just really loud and I don't have any time to rest.)

MiniToon: I don't understand anything from this.
Chizeled: Same here.
PghL: Me too
??????: I also don't but we are moving to the next request which is a dare. * 4th dare here *
Kreek: WHAT?!
PghL:  Nah, I'm not doing that! No way!
??????:Yes you ar- wait I just realised I didn't bought them. Give me a second. WAIT I'M BROKE I DON'T HAVR ANY MONEY. I'M SO SORRY I WILL DO THIS NEXT TIME, PLEASE FORGIVE ME.
TanqR: Oh just shut you face and stop crying. Tell us the last request.
??????: Oh ok, the last request for now is a question. * last question here *

Rektway and TanqR immediately looked at each other. I knew something was up but I didn't know what.

Rektway: We don't want to talk about it now.
TanqR: Yeah-
??????: Alright if you say so. Well that's the end for now. I will call you later for another requests. Now you can go and eat breakfast that we made for you. I hope you will enjoy it and yeah. See ya in the next one!

Finally I did it!
I hope you enjoyed and yeah.
Have a great day/ night!

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