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Just fixed some mistakes. Hah :D
Bro I can't stop listening to " River" by Ochman, please help this song is too good. I can't get it out from my head.
?????? p.o.v.:
I guess it's time to tell them what happened to me and my arms. I was about to take the mic but of course I don't have half of my arms, how I'm going to do it. Hmm- I wonder. And yeah of course ???? needed to help me. They took the mic and put it close to my mouth, to let me speak.

??????: Guys it's almost night, I know but we haven't done it in a while so. I think ya all know what I'm talking about. You are, cool now come here right now.

It didn't took them long to get there, but everyone were oddly excited for that. Even Chizeled and PinkLeaf... did the took something? Like dru-

MiniToon: Wait- where are your arms?!
Devoun: Wait what?
Denis: Oh my god! What happened?!
Sketch: Yeah!
??????: Geez- Chill out, no need to panic. My arms just got chopped off, alright? Please don't ask questions... I don't want to answer like hounded of them.
Denis: Oh- ok.
??????: Anyway let's just move on and start also this dude here will be helping me out but you already know them.

??????: Let me see it!????: I'm showed you it!??????: To who you are showing it?! Me or to yourself?!????: Geez! Just shut the f*ck up!??????: Finally

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??????: Let me see it!
????: I'm showed you it!
??????: To who you are showing it?! Me or to yourself?!
????: Geez! Just shut the f*ck up!
??????: Finally. First one is for TanqR
* 1st request here *.
TanqR: Can I ask a question?
??????: Yeah?
??????: Ayo- Do you think I know?
TanqR: I mean, no but... just give me this goddamn knife or whatever.
??????: Here. MiniToon... run for your life.

TanqR got the knife and MiniToon were just sitting here like nothing happened. While he were dreaming about something, TanqR were getting closer. After 30 seconds he finally got there.

MiniToon: I'm sorry what's happening? I zoomed out.

When he saw TanqR standing opposite to him with a knife, he immediately freaked out. But guess what? TanqR just patted his head with a knife, with not the sharp side.

TanqR: /e stab.

MiniToon were thinking for a while, like he lagged or something but then he got the act.

MiniToon: /e dead.
TanqR: Done!

MiniToon didn't even bother to act dead he was just sitting here. The stupidest idea I seen. TanqR got back to his seat and yeah- That was weird.

??????: Umm- ok. Next one is for Kreek.
* 2nd request here *
TanqR: Not again.. I'm done with this.
Kreek: You know what. As ya all may know or more like should know. I'm an amazing person and I'm not going to kick him in, you know.
??????: Then who?

He didn't answer my question and came up to Flamingo? Ohhh- Alright that's how it is. He pushed him which caused him to fail off the chair then Kreek used that as an advantage to kick him right in this place. On which Flamingo immediately reacted with a scream and some bad words. And what Kreek did, just left him like that. We waited like 5 minutes for Flamingo to wake up but he eventually didn't so I decided to continue.

PinkLeaf: Wow you are really good person Kreek... you are totally a fantastic person by kicking someone.
Kreek: Ye I know right?
????: Ye- no.
??????: Wow 1st time you are right.
????: Stupid.
??????: Oh be quiet. Next one and the last from this person is a question for PghL. * 4th request here *.
PghL: NO. Just no. We don't talk about this. Just no man.
??????: Chill out. I understand, next list!
????: Give me a sec. Here I got it.

??????: First question is for everyone

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??????: First question is for everyone.
* 1st request here *.
Denis: Ok the question is... who is TapWater? But even tho I don't know them. Congratulations!
Bandites: I know this dude from somewhere but it's not like I exactly know who is it. But yeah congrats.
Sketch: YEAH! Congratulations from all of us!
Fanaticalight: Congrats.
Sketch: Wow you can talk.
Fanaticalight: Well duh-
??????: Lets just move on to next one cuz I'm lazy lol. The next one is again to everyone. * 2nd request here *.
Kreek: I mean we in your AU aren't the same people as we are here, so why would we hate you?
TanqR: Wow finally something smart came out from you mouth.
Kreek: It's not like something smart came out from yours.
TanqR: I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Kreek: Oh yeah!
TanqR: Yeah?
Kreek: I mean we will se about that.
??????: Ok that's enough bad boys. We don't want any dead bodies here. Let's just leave it as Kreek said and move on to next one. Which is a question AGAIN  and AGAIN for everyone. * 3rd request here *.
Fanaticalight: It depends from a school, but I don't think so. But for example some schools wouldn't allow that type of incident but other schools gives a sh*t.
??????: Here we got a smart answer now on to the next one, finally a dare but again for everyone. * 4th request here*.


TanqR: Come here KreekCraft!
Kreek: Coming short one.
Kreek: Well you are still short stuff for me. What are you. Mad?
TanqR: No- just hug me I don't want to spend anymore time with you...
Kreek: Ok, ok...

They hugged each other really tight. Which was already weird.

Kreek: TanqR can you stop this, I kinda can't breathe.
TanqR: Well I will make sure these are your last breaths.
Kreek: Wha- really are you still mad at me after I called you short?
TanqR: Shut up! I don't want to hear it. Just go back to your seat.
Kreek: Geez Fine.

They pulled away from each other. I looked around and saw for example Ominous who was begging Rektway for forgiveness or Sketch laying on the ground because of how hard Denis slapped him. Also I saw Kreek hugging with Flamingo or TanqR with John. After dare was over, everyone sat on their seats again. Then I suddenly heard knocking into closet's door. I immediately knew who was it. I need to it end now.

??????: What ya all were thinking before sitting? Is the end for today. Now go, bye, sho-

They all headed out from there as I said them to. There were only me and ???? and of course the person from the closet.

??????: What should we do with him?
????: Jut leave him to me...
??????: Yeah Kelogish will get what he needed to get from years. I don't want him here so bad...
That's it for now beautiful people have a great day or night and

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